Book Review- The Ultimate Runner

A few months ago, Amy Hunold-Van Gundy from the Runners Lounge asked me to review The Ultimate Runner; a new book her and blog partner Tom Green were putting out. 

It took me a while to read the book because I have been so busy and zonking as soon as my head hits the pillow at night.  But I finally finished!

The Ultimate Runner is a Chicken Soup for the Soul type-book filled with feel-good stories for runners of all levels.  While this book is aimed at the runner, it would be a good read for all athletes alike. 

The book is broken into chapters, each with a set of stories.  My favorite chapter is Running For A Greater Cause and my favorite story is Breaking Your Own Tape.  The book also has a section in the back about Need to Know Info.  This includes training schedules, stretches and more. 

I would recommend this book to any athlete but most definitely to a runner.  I will also return to it from time to time, either for a motivational pick me up or for help with my own training. 

Have you read this book?  If so, what was your favorite story?