Note: Skiing Uses Different Muscles Than Running

(FYI- MBE will be back next week 🙂 )

Seriously kids, skiing is intense!  I am more sore than after any race I have ever run!

This past weekend my teammates and I headed up to Elk Mountain in Pa for a weekend of skiing and some seriously needed relaxation and fun.  I had to work Friday night but was up and at em super early Saturday for the drive up.  There were six of us in two cars headed up to meet the gang.  Some of them were already there from Friday night and others would be on their way Saturday night.  In total we had about 40 people through the weekend.  And the trip wouldn’t have been the same without them!

We arrived in Elk around 9am.  It has been years since I skiied and the same was for two of my friends.  Additionally, my friend Lisa was going to attempt snowboarding.  Given that, we all decided on the beginner lift ticket which also came with a lesson.  I thought I would be bored  but I am glad I did it- I forgot a few things and it was a nice refresher. 

We skiied all day- afterwards, we had an awesome Italian dinner made by a few of our teammates.  And then the night got crazy!  We partied like we were in college- starting at 6pm and went all night.  We played poker, beer pong and spent some time in the hot tub.  It was an absolute blast and I am so glad that I went even if I was exhausted by the trips end! 

Photos of course 🙂


Snow Bunny

On the slopes with my girls ❤

Monday morning I woke up sore, sore, sore!  I had worked Sunday night which probably didn’t help but working Monday night actually did make my legs feel better.  Today I woke up not as sore and headed to the gym bright and early.  So far I have been doing really well getting to the gym two mornings a week- I really hope I can keep it up.  For right now, I am just working on cardio and strength until my actualy training schedule begins.  I like the ease of it and it reaffirms my decision to wait until later in the Spring to race my first half. 

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!  I hate the winter but January has been super fun so far!


Back At The Gym, Pilates Class, And Some Truth

So kids, I did it.  I finally went back to the gym.  The same idiots are still there and they still haven’t found a way to properly clean the bathrooms, however I was happy to see my old Pilates instructor was still there.  I haven’t been in ages and was worried she may have moved on (turnover rate is high at LA Fitness).  My friend Kate came along with me to give the Pilates a try (she had never been) and after class was over I was able to come to two conclusions: I really miss Pilates.  And I have lost a lot of my flexibility this year.  I could not believe how difficult some of the moves were for me; I never had those problems prior to my injury.  The only good part about that, is it will keep me motivated to keep going back to class so that I can get back into the shape I was in pre-injury.  Pilates is going to be a huge part of my off-season in which I am mainly focusing on stregth training.

It felt good to finally be working out again.  I was beginning to feel like a lazy slug and even though I hadn’t gained any weight, I could feel the weight shifting and noticed my clothes looking a bit different.  Getting solid and consistent workouts in around my 60-80/hours a week schedule is tough- I enjoy sleeping in until 6am and have a hard time wanting to work out at 11pm when I get home from work or on my only nights off.  But I know how good I feel when I am done a workout and I try to keep that in mind when I am feeling like doing nothing.


Lacey did this the other day, inspired by Mark Bittman on the Whole Living website, and I loved it…

I included both Mark and Lacey’ answers…

If I could say one thing to myself 20 years ago…
MB- Things will get better, not worse.

L- Write down every single book you read, a favorite quote, and something you thought about it.

Me- Take advantage of being young.

My favorite place in the world…
MB- The United States.

L- My first thought: home. My second thought: some sort of vacation get-away.

Me- Wildwood, NJ and anywhere when I am with people I love

The lesson I keep learning over and over…
MB- Most things that seem hard at first get easier, in either 10 minutes or 10 years.

L- If you stay up too late, you will be tired the next day.

Me- Listen to your gut.  Then follow what it tells you. 99% of the time, you already know the answers.

The movie I watch when I want to laugh…
MB- “A Night at the Opera” [the Marx Brothers].

L- Oooh, tough one. I feel like I laugh so hard at so many but I can only think of a few: Bill Murray in The Man Who Knew Too Little and What About Bob, Leslie Nielson in the Naked Gun movies, Steve Martin in Sgt Bilko, Rush Hour, National Lampoon…

Me- National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

The most scared I’ve ever been…
MB- Cannot talk about it.

L- The moment of getting hit by a car.

Me- There have been a few times.

No one knows I…
MB- Will not talk about it.

L- Made an elaborate plan to barricade myself in our log house bathroom and live out the rest of my life there. I figured it had the bathroom and the shower so all I needed to do was install a fold out bed, in-wall fridge, in-wall television, and a  slot for food and books to be passed through. Brilliant, right?

Me- If I told you…people would know.

Unhealthiest thing I’ve ever passed off as dinner…
MB- Hmm. Roast beef?

L- Copious amounts of cereal.

Me- Ice cream.

Personal philosophy…
MB- Seriously? The Golden Rule.

L- Be kind.

Me- Always remember who you are and where you came from.

Book that changed my life…
MB- There are many. Julie Sahni’s “Classic Indian Cooking” is one. “Thank You, Jeeves” [P.G. Wodehouse] is another.

L-  The Diary of Ann Frank. The Giver. Night. My Side of the Mountain. The Berenstein Bears… hehe.

Me- Wow- over the years, I have been riveted by so many books.  I don’t think I could ever narrow it down to one, or even five.  I will say that I was most inspired by Audrey Hepburn’s Biography, written by her son.

I unwind by…
MB- Running, cooking, drinking, sleeping.

L- Castle!!! (TV show). Reading. Sleeping. Taking a hot shower.

Me- drinking wine, reading blogs, reading books/magazines…

Proudest moment in my career…
MB- Landing a column [“The Minimalist”] at the New York Times.

L- Beginning my graduate program…. getting good grades on work I put a lot of thought into.

Me- I really don’ t have a career, but my proudest moments academically were all the times I made Dean’s list while also holding a full-time job.  And most of all when I was honored with the Humanities Award in my junior year at Rutgers University.

What keeps me up at night…
MB- Writing a column for the New York Times. Well, not really. I’m 60, therefore: death.

L- What I have to do tomorrow. The next day.

Me- To-do lists, family concerns, financial concerns and so on and so on and so on…

I define “downtime” as…
MB- Almost any time a computer screen is not in front of me.

L- When I feel calm.

Me- Being able to lay in bed or on the couch and veg

Coffee or tea?
MB- Both.

L- Both!

Me- Both!!

Guiltiest pleasure…
MB- Corned beef.

L- Staying in a really hot shower way longer than necessary! Massages… Vacations…

Me- A really good martini and traveling

My mom was right about…
MB- Cooking being a worth-while activity.

L- Everything! She is amazing.

Me- The importance of being smart about money.

My mom was wrong about…
MB- The right way to cook hamburgers.

L- Nothing. See above.

Me- Not a whole lot.

The last time I lost my temper was…
MB- Yesterday.

L- On Saturday when Elliot told me we couldn’t get a train to NYC for New Year’s Day (for a friend’s wedding) but he was kidding except I didn’t know that. WHAT?! WE CAN’T GO?! I ALREADY RSVP’D! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BOOKING THE TRAIN?! ARRRRGHHH. hahaha. Something like that. Slight overreaction?

Me- It has been a long time since I have really lost it, but I get easily frustrated on the daily at my day job.

My favorite moment of the day…
MB- It’s either waking up or going to sleep, but it depends on the day.

L- Tea in the morning. Coffee after breakfast.

Me- The feeling of getting in bed at night

I wish I had more time for…
MB- Movies.

L- Vacation!!!!!!!!!

Me- Myself

I always make time for…
MB- Cooking.

L- Sleeping.

Me- Catching up with old friends when the opportunities arise.

I’m currently reading…
MB- “War and Peace” (yes, really).

L- The DSM IV… (kidding, slightly…)

Me- Notes Left Behind

Home means...
MB- Love.

L- Family!

Me- 208 ♥


I know some of you did this on Lacey’s comments page already; for those of you who didn’t, feel free to leave answers here, or post your own.  I would love to read others wisdom!