March Is Over! And Mexico!

I feel like I say this every month, but I CANNOT BELIEVE MARCH IS OVER!

March was actually a really fun month.  I had a TWO WEEK spring break, went to Mexico and had a four day weekend over Easter.  Working in a private school has definite perks!  In addition to all that fun, I had a few really good long runs that are preparing me well for my half-marathon coming up in April.  Oh, and the weather is soon going to be in the 70’s and really…how can you not love that?!?!?!

Running- Longs runs are good.  One more this weekend and then race time in two weeks.  I am really excited for this race.  My initial plan was to definitely go for a PR but I don’t know if I am ready.  Based on Sunday’s long run, I could come close.  It will really depend on those last few miles.  After Philly, when I was on target to crush my PR only to be bogged down by GI issues, I don’t want to get my hopes up for anything.  The extended weather report says 72, I have a cute outfit, it’s at the University I went to and loads of my friends will also be racing.  Those are all reasons to be excited that have nothing to do with time.  We shall see what happens when I cross the line!

Ballet/Barre-  This is still my favorite workout but I am definitely doing a lot more barre than I am ballet.  For one, it just fits in my schedule better but I also like the combination of ballet work with cardio and other strength moves.  It is the best workout I get for sure!  However, until the half is over, I am taking a break with this because it is really stressful on the legs and I do not want to over-do it.  Once the race is over, I’ll be picking this up much more…especially once school is out and I can go in the mornings.  I cannot wait for that!

Nutrition- I did so well up until Mexico.  Then it was a lot of alcohol and ridiculous amounts of food!  I look so bloated in the photos from the drinking, but seriously…worth it.  Once I got home, I got right back on track.  I feel pretty good although the real test will be race day.  I have been once again consistently training with GU so I hope that helps.  I really think that was the problem in Philly.  My training sucked and I didn’t rely on one product for nutrition.  On race day my body rejected it completely.  Now, I am back to training with GU and hoping it makes the difference.

Sleep- I am happy to report that while I was super busy over break, I did take lots of naps!  This past weekend I made zero plans on Saturday and pretty much slept all day.  I know I will never catch up, but sometimes a true lazy-do-nothing-day is exactly what I need!

Other Life Events-

Mexico was AMAZING!  The resort was just so-so but being there with so many of my friends and such a group of awesome people made for a fantastic trip.  We flew out super early and we were there and on the beach by 10am.  Of course the drinks started flowing right away and the sun was out in full effect!  It was perfection!  I spent all day Thursday and Friday, switching from the beach to the pool, hanging out in the sun and enjoying adult beverages with some of my favorite people.  Saturday was the wedding and we had perfect weather.  There was a ridiculous amount of dancing which I loved and I was so sad when the night ended.  My flight out Sunday was a little later so I got in a few hours of sun before I had to say good-bye.  Before I knew it, the trip was over.  It was definitely a great time even if it was really short!

How about some photos?

Mexico 018 Mexico 028 Mexico 033 Mexico 038

1 2 3 Mexico 061

And I’ll leave you with this gem…my best white girl dance moves in action!


What was the best thing that happened to you in March?

Checking In- It’s Almost Spring!

I know February is the shortest month, but to me, it always feels so long!  Sometimes I think I suffer from seasonal affective disorder.  By the end of February, I am just at my wits end with the cold and the dark.  I need more sun!  I did just notice this week that is has been light out by the time I get to work (6am) and it is still light out when I get home (4pm) which has been a huge boost.  Even the smallest amount of natural Vitamin D makes me happy!

Running- I finally ran outside this past weekend 🙂  It was amazing.  Even if it was cold and windy, it was still awesome.  I am so tired of the dreadmill!  I plan to run outside this weekend as well, although the weather is going to be a bit colder.  I am pretty excited that I have less than two months until my first half of the year.  More excited that I am going to be super prepared for running than I was this past November!

Ballet/Barre– Last night was the first class I missed since starting.  My legs were a little sore from my Sunday run, mostly from the terrain change I think, and I just didn’t want to push it.  Barre class continues to kick my ass in the best possible way.  I really think this is my favorite work out.  I am so excited to be able to go extra over spring break!

Nutrition- I have done really well.  I am very happy with how my nutrition is going.  The pounds aren’t dropping but the inches are and best of all, I feel better!

Sleep- My goal over spring break is to get 8-9 hours of sleep each night.


Other life events-

-I am on Spring Break from March 2-17.  Wooohooo!  I swear Spring Break is for adults.  It is so needed.  Ours is quite long because we have international students.  They travel home to 17 different countries and 6 different continents!  Having a full two weeks gives them real quality time to visit with their families.  Even though I will waitress during this time, and pick up extra shifts, it is still a chance to sleep in.  And for that, I am so grateful!

-In three week, at this very time, I will be landing in Mexico 🙂  One of my very best friends is getting married and having a simple ceremony on the beaches of the Riviera Maya!  Of course, this comes on the heels of my Spring Break, so I wasn’t able to take the full five nights.  This will be a whirlwind trip of only three nights. Nonetheless,  I am excited for the tropical weather and time with some of my good friends!

I’ll end with this, which I just absolutely loved:


March Review & Updates

Today it is snowing.  Yes, in April.  No, this is not an April Fool’s Day joke!  That Mother Nature sure is a trickster!  I mean realllllly???  Isn’t March supposed to go out like a lamb???  April showers….okay, but snow?  What the heck global warming…what the heck?? 

Despite the snow, I am so happy April is here- and that March is over.  March was a good month, but it was stressful at work.  Super stressful.  Luckily, some of that is over now, which is also attributing to my good moods lately 🙂  But it seems as though I made the choice in 2011 to be happy, I find that I am happy! 

My workouts in March were awesome- I only missed three which might actually be a new record for me.  My running is progressing very well and I am continuing to see improvements in the way I look due to lifting.  The only thing I would say I really need to work on, is my nutrition.  I am eating like a friggen pig and on the worst possible schedule ever!  Keeping up with two jobs, working out, a social life, family and a boyfriend is definitely taking some getting used to…time is so limited.  Truth is, I find myself either A-eating on the run and picking at random foods or B-not eating all day and then stuffing my face at dinner on nights that I have a chance to eat.  Neither of those options are going to work long-term, clearly, so I need to get on the ball.  I am lucky that I am working out so much that I am not gaining, but I am not losing either!  How do you eat on a busy schedule? 

I won’t lie, the busy schedule is busy.  And sometimes I feel like I could just lay in bed and sleep for days…but it is all worth the energy!  Two jobs are exhausting but I love the money it brings in and all the things I am experiencing because I have some extra.  And I wouldn’t trade the time I have with family, friends and especially R2 for anything, even if it is at times, limited.  Speaking of R2…everything is still awesome with us.  Last weekend we spent overnight in the city…had a fabulous and relaxed time along with an amazing dinner.  I asked him permission to use his photo on my blog and lucky for all of you, he said yes (as long as he likes the photos, it isn’t all the time and I don’t use his name 🙂 Fair enough, right? ).  So without further adieu, here is a picture from our dinner:

Oh and one last thing…with April…comes…BOSTON!!!  I am so excited to be going to Boston and very much looking forward to bloggy meet-ups and watching all you amazing runners!  We lost our Easter Break at work this year, so the long weekend get-a-way will be a nice break!  Are you going to be in Boston??  Let me know!!

And lastly, a little favor- please head over to Jesse’s blog and send some thoughts and prayers to his cousin.  She was unfortunately hit by a bus while riding her Tri bike in Las Vegas earlier this week.  Her injuries are critical and she has a long road to recovery.  I am sure  Jesse and his family can use all the get well vibes they can get. ♥

A Different Kind Of Monthly Review

Listen kids…I am living the life in 2011!

Instead of making a long list of things I’ll stop keeping up with resolutions in the beginning of January, I decided that I would make a few life changes instead.  The idea for 2011 is to give myself as many experiences as possible.  Let go a little, be more spontaneous and make as many memories as possible even if it means losing some sleep in the process!  And to take a lot of photos.  Everything is better in pictures 🙂

Combining my new outlook on life with my new outlook on racing (just have fun with it) has made my life so much less stressful.  I am finding it easier and easier to dismiss drama (restaurant business is drama-rific) and I have really been focusing on the people in my life who matter.  I am working hard and playing hard.  I am dating for fun and meeting a lot of new awesome people.  I am loosening up a little, planning random trips and having a blast.  I planned a race schedule that is all about fun.  In summation: I have taken the pressure off of myself!  I am living the life I was always a little too afraid to live- the one I want to live.  For me, and no one else.  And man, it feels good!

Things just really feel like they are finally coming together for me.  I feel back on track with my weight, my exercising and eating right, and in general I just feel good about things.  I am learning (how did it take me until 30 to get this?) that it is just so much easier to be happy.  It uses less energy and generally feels better.  I am aware that I still need to work on my stress levels and that bad days happen; however, the way I have been feeling, something tells me there will be more good days than bad in 2011!

January has been a great month; I spent lots of time with friends, partied it up in A.C for a weekend and recently went on a fabulous ski trip.  And best of all, I held to my plan of being spontaneous and booked a trip to Florida in less than two hours one day when the mood struck me to get away for a long weekend.  Between working, training and various weekend events, I’ll be in the Florida sun in no time soaking up the much-needed Vitamin D.  ♥


How did you January shape up? 


The August Review

Hello August- you were here and gone before I could blink!  Life is busy, busy, busy right now so this is a much shorter, non-graded version of my normal monthly review.  Some areas were better than others but this was the best month I ever had racing!  This has been a summer full of PR’s, great races and challenges to overcome.  I am now well into half-marathon training with my first post-injury half only 2 weeks away.  This week I have been resting my shins and this weekend I have 9 miles on deck.  As for August…well, good-bye summer and hello fall 🙂

The Stats-

Swimming: 7200 meters total.  Most of this was actually in races- I only actually made it to the gym a few times this month.

Biking: 61.9 miles.  Much less than July, but still really good.  Plus, my bike is improving with every training ride and every race so I still consider it a success.

Running: 23.4 running and 11.5 walking.  Great mileage and the best post-injury!

Strength: 2 hours and 10 minutes.  Normally this would not be enough for me, but considering how insane August was, I feel good about it.  And I have been rocking the HCC exercises so that is a plus too!


And a Meme-

Current Book: Little Bee.  Really tough read but I am loving ever page.  I started it down the shore and will finish it tonight.  I read fanatically by the pool and on the beach- I have eight books down the shore- and I plan to so a big book review so stay tuned!

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:  Between moving and vacation, everything I eat is shameful these days!

Current Colors: Fall is in 🙂

Current Obsessions: WILDWOOD ♥

Current Drink: Arizona Diet Green Tea and water

Current Song: I have been really jamming out to old school rap- my all time favorite CD had been on constantly- Chronic 2001.  Also diggin the new Eminem, which is a close second in the favorite line up.

Current Wish-List: to be moved in and relaxed!

Current Need: Wildwood sunshine 🙂

Current Triumph: Have you seen my race reports- this summer was all triumphant

Current Bane of my Existence: Still the damn shins!

Current Goal: Get all settled in my new place before losing my mind.

Current Blessing: Having the pleasure of spending three weekends in Wildwood.  Many people go without vacations despite them being well-deserved.  I know how truly lucky I am to have a vacation.

Current Excitement: So much- two more weekends in Wildwood, being moved in, PDR 1/2 weekend, Warrior Dash, Colorado…lots to look forward to!


Hope you are all well- I know I have been in and out but I am thinking of you all and wishing you amazing training and race vibes 🙂

The July Review

I feel like a broken record saying this…but summer is flying!  How can it already be August?!?!?

The Stats-

Swimming:  8.800 meters total.  Swims are a mix of timed 200′s 400′s and 800′s, different drills and free swims.  They always include a warm-up and/or a cool-down.  Definitely did not swim enough this month, however the quality of my swim is high.  I have consistently improved over the last few months and more so since this time last year.  Grade B+

Biking:  91.7 miles.  I killed it this month on the bike- conquered my fear of riding with a group and did a crazy amount of miles in comparison to previous months.  The work I am putting in, is evident in my racing…I am getting so much more confident, and thereby better!  Grade A+

Running: 15 miles and 13.9 miles walking.  This is still WAY less than I want to be doing but I did try to take it easy with mile run this month with half-marathon training starting in August.  Looking forward to hitting more pavement as I continue to feel much better post-injury.  Grade B-

Strength:  2 measly hours total…all month.  Confession: I don’t love lifting. UGH!  Grade D

Goals Grades/Assessment-

  • Stretch More- This is now simply a part of my life. Every day. Grade A+
  • Up the Mileage-  not with running, but yes with walking.  Grade C
  • Two-A-Days- Averaging about two a week.  Thats pretty solid. Grade A-
  • Eat Consistently- Yeah, consistenly bad!  Too many happy hours and bbq’s! Grade C-
  • No Soda- Not a one! Grade A+
  • No Scale- Maybe a handful of times, but like I said last month…since I know I am gained I tend to stay off it Grade B

Overall Grade B+;  I am happy with this month- solid workouts, three races and only seven rest days. 

And a Meme:

Current Book: I am not currently reading a book which is kind of odd for me.  I am however starting my “downtheshore” collection.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:  I love Katy Perry’s California Girl’s and jam big time.  Only problem is, she got it wrong cause clearly, Jersey Girls are the best 🙂

Current Colors: Blue for TEAM TRIUMPH!

Current Obsessions: vanilla ice cream with chocolate jimmies

Current Drink: water water water

Current Song: See guilty pleasure

Current Wish-List:  I am totally ready for some race bars on my bike!

Current Need: To have my calves massaged!

 Current Triumph:  Overcoming my fears and having not one, but two PR’s this month!

Current Bane of my Existence: Calf pain- UGH!

Current Goal: Sucessful half-marathon training

Current Blessing: Amazingly supportive family and friends

 Current Excitement: I head downtheshore at the end of the month!  I hate wishing summer away but I LIVE for this vacation- can.not.wait!

Belmar Race Report coming soon…it’s gonna be a good one- OneLittleTriGirl got herself a KILLER PR 🙂

The June Review- 6th Month Check-Up!

Wow- did we really just finish the sixth month of the year?!?!?  Already!!!  Is it just me or is this year flying?  I feel like I have been through so much this year and done so much already this year that time is just getting away from me.  And summer isn’t slowing down for one second.

The Stats-

Swimming:  12,200 meters.  Swims are a mix of timed 200’s 400′s and 800′s, different drills and free swims.  They always include a warm-up and/or a cool-down.  I swam less this month than in May, but I feel like they were all quality swims so I am okay with the dip in meters.  Grade A

Biking:  37 miles.  I feel like a slacker when I see this number and it motivates me to kick ass in July!  If I don’t get over my fear of biking this season, my bigger fear is that I never will…Grade C

Running: 17 miles, plus 9.5 miles walking.  Post-injury running has presented me with a lot of set backs.  I am still uping the mileage month-to-month which is a postitive, but I am also let down that I cannot do more yet!  I try to make up for it with walking and the confidence that I WILL be better soon!  Grade B

Cross-Training:  N/A; I really don’t do much of this is the summer between training and racing.

Strength:  1 hour and 15 minutes.  Not a total fail but pretty pa-the-tic! Grade D

Goals Grades/Assessment-

  • Stretch More- Like a crazy lady still!  No more whammies injuries! Grade A
  • Abs Challenge- Honestly? I lost count.  And that’s  good thing! Grade A 
  • Pilates- You know, truth is…I just don’t think I am ever getting there.  Ever. N/A
  • Up the Run Mileage- Hell yes! Grade A
  • Two-A-Days- Not as many as I would like, but more than last month! Grade B
  • Eat Consistently- Meh- I do really good until dinner.  Then I usually scrounge because it is too hot to cook. Grade B
  • No Soda- I had a diet coke this week.  What the hell pizza shop doesn’t have water OR iced tea….REALLY???? Grade A-
  • No Scale- Here’s the thing…when you gain weight, you don’t want to weigh yourself.  I feel as though I have gained, so I haven’t weighed.  Grade A

Overall Grade B+; I can live with that!  Here’s to July being my best month yet!  Lots of great races coming up too!!!

Year to date totals; Jan-Jun

Swimming- 38,000 meters

Biking- 122.3 miles

Running- 132.2 miles

Walking- 25.1 miles

Strength/Cross Training- 23 hours and 25 minutes

All things considered, I am feeling pretty good about my numbers.  I did not start swimming until April 6, so YTD is a little misleading on that one.  And the entire month of March was pretty much a wash because of my injury.  Still not where I want to be…and I think I have to resign myself to the fact that 500 running miles might not happen for me this year.  But that is okay; honestly, I will be thrilled if I can just get my second YTD numbers all higher than the first.  And I see no reason why that is not possible!!!  So all in all, I really am pretty proud of these numbers. 

What are you most proud of through the first 6th months of the year?

The May Review

The Stats-

Swimming:  14,000 meters.  Swims are a mix of timed 400′s and 800′s and different drills.  They always include a warm-up and a cool-down.  I killed it this month in the pool!  Grade A+ 

Biking:  21.7 miles.  Got on the spin bike a few time and went on two outside rides.  Grade B

Running: 13.9 miles.  I am increasing my mileage steadily and getting faster with each run.  I finally feel back to my pre-injury self.  Grade B+

Cross-Training: 8 miles of walking and 50 minutes on elliptical.  Now that I am back in full training mode, I am having a hard time fitting in the cross-training.  Grade C

Strength:  3 hours and 40 minutes.  Did very little of this outside of PT sessions.  I need to seriously pick it back up!  Grade C-

Goals Grades/Assessment-

  • Stretch More- I am a stretching machine.  I don’t even think of this as a “goal” anymore, but rather something I just do.  Grade A+
  • Abs Challenge- SLACKER in this department.  My PT kills my abs and I use it as an excuse to be lazy the rest of the week. UGH!  Grade D
  • Pilates- N/A until June 🙂
  • Up the Mileage- Back at it…10% rule and I are like BFF!  Grade A
  • Two-A-Days- Love these and have been doing them once or twice a week.  I am happy with that.  Grade A
  • Eat Consistently- I am really really really trying.  Grade C
  • No Soda- I had one soda this month (so one total since Jan 1) as part of a mixed drink at the Phillies game.  It was called a seven-inning stretch and it was filled 1/4 way with Sprite.  It was yummy, and only a small bit, so I didn’t (and still don’t) feel guilty.  Grade A-
  • No Scale- I am back to weighing myself a few times a week.  It is right in the bathroom and too much temptation. UGH!  Grade D

Overall Grade B;  I am happy with my May training but really looking forward to picking it up in June.  Now that I am close to being done with PT and virtually living and training pain free, I am really beginning to feel like myself again 🙂

And a Meme:

Current Book: Just finishing The Ultimate Runner by Amy and Tom from the Runners Lounge.  Stay tuned for a review.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:  Dad camp is the saddest, most ridiculous show in a long time.  And I cannot stop watching.  These dudes are proof that any idiot can have a kid (but you need a license to fish??!?!)

Current Colors: Yellows…I love summer! 

Current Obsessions: counting down to the last day of school for students! Get em out…I am so ready!!!!

Current Drink: Iced Coffee

Current Song: I have been listening to all my old school Dr. Dre, Biggie, Jay-Z and Method Man.  Back when hip-hop was good!

Current Wish-List:  Aero bars for my bike! 

Current Need: More hours in the day please!

 Current Triumph:  Did you see that May swimming???  And those miles?!?!  Woo-Hoo!

Current Bane of my Existence: Idiot parents at my school!!!

Current Goal: To swim, bike and run more in June than I did in May.  I got this!

Current Blessing: Freedom

 Current Excitement: Last day of school for students!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April Review

The monthly review features stats for work-outs, an up-to-date goals assessment and a fun little meme.  If you missed it, you can read January here and February here.  I was injured and ate a lot in March, so no need for a review there!  And if you don’t care, that is cool too.  I am a Type-A numbers person so this is mostly for my own good. 

The Stats:

Swimming: 3 times a week all month for a total of 5hours and 25minutes.  Swims are a mix of timed 400’s and 800’s and different drills and include a warm-up and cool-down.  I have been progressing nicely and am most proud of my swimming this month!  Grade A+ 

Biking: 24.3 miles.  All on the stationary bike.  I am still not allowed to take spin class and haven’t taken my bike out because every chance I get the weather gets in the way.  Grade B+ 

Running: 7.2 miles.  This is HUGE since there was zero running in March.  I also walked 7.6 miles as well.  I am very happy with this all things considered!  Grade A

Cross-Training:  40 minutes on elliptical.  Honestly, there just wasn’t enough time this month with all my ART and PT appointments.  Had to get in the quality workouts and cross-training just fell to the way-side.  Grade C-

Strength: 5.5 hours which is due in most part to my PT sessions.  30-45 minutes of PT is based soley on strength training and combining that with what I am doing at home adds up.  Woo-hoo!  Grade A+

Goals Grades/Assessment:

  • Stretching- Between PT and at home, I am a stretching maniac! Grade A+
  • Abs Challenge- Some weeks were better than others but overall I am pleased. Grade B
  • Pilates- Not allowed due to injury  N/A
  • Up The Mileage- Not possible due to injury N/A
  • Two-A-Days- Only a handful, but the more I pick up my running, the more of these I will have. Grade C+
  • Eating Consistent- I consistently ate like I was still working out like I was before my injury.  I got back on track this past week but mostly I feel gross. Grade D
  • Budgeting Food- Doing very well with this.  Still eating out more than I shoud, but I am food shopping and packing lunch on the regular.  Grade B+
  • No Soda- Not a one since Dec 31st!  Woo-hoo!  Grade A+
  • No Scale- I weigh myself about once a week.  It is awful but the scale is right there and I cave now and then.  Grade C

Overall Grade B+ ;  Given my limitations, I am very happy with the month of April.  It was both physically and emotionally challenging but I got through it; I have no doubt that I will be back to new in May 🙂

And the meme to make things fun-

Current Read: New RW came in the mail yesterday! 

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure: Honestly, I don’t think I have one currently

Current Colors: Yellow for the sun 🙂

Current Obsession: Flip-flops…tis the season

Current Drink: Coffee, Iced Tea and Water.  Not a whole lot else.

Current Song: Over by Drake.  I jam out to that like the white girl I am!

Current Wish-List: A place to use my bike trainer…I am starting to think it will be on my front lawn!

Current Need: A nap

Current Triumph:  I’m running again!!!!

Current Goal: A 5k on May 15, would like to finish in 12/minutes miles.  Amazing how goals change given circumstances.

Current Blessing:  Some days, I think everything is a blessing.

Current Indulgence: Mr. Softee

Current Excitement: Phillies game on Cinco De Mayo!!

The February Review

The monthly review features stats for work-outs, an up-to-date goals assessment and a fun little meme.  If you missed it, you can read January here.  And if you don’t care, that is cool too.  I am a Type-A numbers person so this is mostly for my own good. 

The Stats:

Swimming: Nope again!  But it starts tomorrow; was going to hit the pool today but really needed the rest.  Grade N/A

Biking: 20.1 Miles.  No outside biking until the snow goes away (if that ever actually happens).  And once again, no spin class.  Grade C

Running: 46.7 Miles.  More than January, so that is a plus, but still behind for where I should be in regards to my goal.  Depending on my hip, and how the month of March goes, I will have to determine if I can still make up the miles down the road for my goal of 650.  But for not…forge on!  Grade B+

Cross-Training: 3 hours.  Same as January.  Eh.  Grade B

Strength: 3 hours.  Again, about the same as January.  However, I feel like these sessions were much more efficient than last month.  Grade A-

Goals Grades/Assessment:

  • Stretching- I have been stretching like you would not believe.  I stretch in the morning, in the shower, before and after work-outs, at night…if I can, I stretch.  Grade A+
  • Abs Challenge- I really kept up with this, hardly missing any weekly numbers…and the best part is, I am starting to see some results!  Grade B+
  • Pilates- I am 2/4 this month…once I missed because of snow and once because last week was pure chaos and it just wasn’t going to happen.  Both times, the reasons I missed were pretty much out of my control so I feel good about this. Grade B+
  • Up The Mileage- I did more miles this month than last which means another monthly mileage PR 🙂 Grade A+
  • Brave the cold- No.  I am over the cold and snow and I refuse.  Insert pout face. Grade F
  • Two-A-Days- Not starting until March. Grade N/A
  • Eating Consistent- Bout the same as January.  Doing well, but room for improvement.  Grade B-
  • Budgeting Food- Big improvements here!  I am packing lunch 3-4 times a week and making dinners at home almost every night.  Grade A
  • No Soda- Not one soda since the first of the year!  Grade A+
  • No Scale- I weighed myself only once.  And that scale stares me in the face everyday.  Grade A-

Overall Grade B+; the F killed it but it is still overall better than January so I am happy with that 🙂

And the meme to make things fun-

Current Book: Just finished Dean Karnazes Ultramarathon Man.  Honestly, I think his ego is the size of Texas and that he is a bit of a blowhard, but at the same time it is difficult not to be inspired by him.  He has done amazing things and I think he is a genetic masterpiece. 

Current Shame-Inducing Pleasure: This was a one-day and done thing but on my snow day, I watched a few hours of Blind Date.  I used to watch this in high school and I never knew it was still on in repeats.  Hysterical good time that makes me happy about my boring life!

Current Colors: Blue because I am sad about my hip 😦  And green in preparation for the Shamrock!

Current Obsession: March Madness.  My Tarheels had a really horrible year but I still love me the madness.  Since I can’t root for my boys in blue, I am all about the home team Nova.  But, for the record, I am calling Syracuse to take it all.

Current Drink: Water.  Making it a priority and carrying a water bottle with me everywhere I go.

Current Song: “I wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy” is in my head cause all the girls sing it in the hallway.  What does P. Diddy feel like in the morning anyway????

Current Wish-List: New hip flexor please

Current Need: Lunch…I am starving!

Current Triumph:  Staying positive during tough times.

Current Goal: Start swimming and outdoor biking.

Current Blessing:  Supportive family and friends.

Current Indulgence: Vanilla almond granola with vanilla ice cream and honey. YUM!

Current Excitement: Shamrock.  Even if I cannot run, I am still looking forward to the trip.

How was your February?  For a short month it seemed awfully long!  Bring on the Springtime 🙂