The Runner Commandments

Not too long ago, Darlene posted Joe Kelly’s Commandments.  I had never come across these before and I love them!  I highlighted my favorites- oh, and enjoy the commentary:)
1. Don’t be a whiner. Nobody likes a whiner, not even other whiners. (This should be the #1 commandment for life!)

2. Walking out the door is often the toughest part of a run.

3. Don’t make running your life. Make it part of your life.

4. During group training runs, don’t let anyone run alone. (On my first “group” run, I was left behind.  It took me months to try it again.)

5. Keep promises, especially ones made to yourself. (Another good lesson for life.)

6. When doing group runs, start on time no matter who’s missing.

7. The faster you are the less you should talk about your times. (So true…nobody likes a braggart!)

8. Keep a quarter in your pocket. One day you’ll need to call for a ride. (This was clearly written before cell phones!)

9. Don’t compare yourself to other runners.

10. All runners are equal, some are just faster than others. (I have to constantly remind myself of this!)

11. Keep in mind that the later in the day it gets, the more likely it is that you won’t run. (This is a main reason why I workout BEFORE work!)

12. For a change of pace, get driven out and then run back.

13. If it was easy, everybody would be a runner. (But never forget, anyone CAN be a runner.)

14. When standing in starting lines, remind yourself how fortunate you are to be there. (This is never more clear than after an injury!)

15. Getting out of shape is much easier than getting into shape.

16. A bad day of running still beats a good day at work.

17. Talk like a runner. “Singlets” are worn on warm days. “Tank tops” are worn to the beach.

18. Don’t talk about your running injuries. People don’t want to hear about your sore knee or black toe. (Untrue in the blog world- we don’t mind!)

19. Don’t always run alone.

20. Don’t always run with people.

21. Approach running as if the quality of your life depended on it. (Wait, doesn’t it?)

22. No matter how slow you run it is still faster than someone sitting on a couch.

23. Keep in mind that the harder you run during training, the luckier you’ll get during racing.

24. Races aren’t just for those who can run fast. (Your real competition is yourself!)

25. There are no shortcuts to running excellence.

26. The best runs sometimes come on days when you didn’t feel like running.

27. Be modest after a race, especially if you have reason to brag.

28. If you say, “Let’s run this race together,” then you must stay with that person no matter how slow. (Running a race with someone is so much fun- I highly recommend it!)

29. Think twice before agreeing to run with someone during a race.

30. There is nothing boring about running.  There are, however, boring people who run.

31. Look at hills as opportunities to pass people.

32. Distance running is like cod liver oil. At first it makes you feel awful, then it makes you feel better. (Gee, now I am excited about marathon training!)

33. Never throw away the instructions to your running watch.

34. Don’t try to outrun dogs.

35. Don’t trust runners who show up at races claiming to be tired, out of share, or not feeling well.

36. Don’t wait for perfect weather. If you do, you won’t run very often. (If you sign up for races that I am signed up for, you will likely deal with rain, hail or ridiculous heat!)

37. When tempted to stop being a runner, make a list of the reasons you started. (Make the list no matter what.  Keep this list on your fridge.)

38. Never run alongside very old or very young racers. They get all of the applause.

39. Without goals, training has no purpose.

40. During training runs, let the slowest runner in the group set the pace.

41. The first year in a new age group offers the best opportunity for trophies. (Hmmm…I aged-up this year, guess I’ll see if it is true!)

42. Go for broke, but be prepared to be broken.

43. Spend more time running on the roads than sitting on the couch.

44. Make progress in your training, but progress at your own rate. (Don’t hold yourself to any standard but your own.)

45. “Winning” means different things to different people. (Pretty much what this blog is all about!)

46. Unless you make your living as a runner, don’t take running too seriously.

47. Runners who never fail are runners who never try anything great.

48. Never tell a runner that he or she doesn’t look good in tights.

49. Never confuse the Ben-Gay tube with the toothpaste tube.

50. Never apologize for doing the best you can.

51. Preventing running injuries is easier than curing them. (OMG, do I know this!!!)

52. Running is simple. Don’t make it complicated.

53. Running is always enjoyable. Sometimes, though, the joy doesn’t come until the end of the run.  (Enjoy them all. You are lucky to have every run [or bike, or swim!])

Today In My Life

I totally stole this from Aron- I love these types of posts!  (Although they do remind me of my MySpace days- haha.)

Outside my window … it is a most beautiful sunny day!

I am hearing … kids, phones, kids, bells, doors, teachers, kids, bells, bells, kids, bells, phones, doors, bells and kids!  All. Day. Long.

I am thinking … that I have been awfully lucky this year to travel to so many awesome places!

I am thankful … for the opportunities I have in life.

I am reading … nothing at this moment.  Taking a break from NJASK data and report card stuff.

I am hoping and praying … that things stay as good as they have been.

I am wearing … brown knee-length skirt, white flowy shirt and brown open-toe sandals

I am creating … spreadsheets for NJASK data.  (This is why I needed a break!)

From the kitchen … I smell pizza and hear the kids in lunch.

Around the house … I do pretty much ALL the cleaning.  Yes, I have a roommate.

Plans for the rest of the week … Iron Hill for dinner tonight, working at the BFG, PIFA night in Philly and a relaxing Sunday brunch with one of my favorites.

A Picture to share


Wildwood- early 90’s…Sumo Wrestling w/a dude who looked like Eddie Murphy

Boston Trip Report Part 3- Marathon Monday

No joke, spectating Marathon Monday was one of the coolest things I have ever done.  And I didn’t even see one blogger on the race course!  Btw bloggies…HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!  I have no idea how I missed every single one of you, but I promise my mom and I were out there at Mile 17, cheering you and all the runners on curbside.

For anyone who has never spectated the marathon, I highly recommend Mile 17.  We had a blast cheering on the runners as they entered into the Newton Hills.  The curbs were full of excited spectators and the energy was amazing.

Its been more than a week since I was sitting curbside watching some of the most amazing runners.  By now, I have to think at least a few of you are Boston’d out from blog posts.  I also think that Marathon Monday needs to be really left to the runners themselves.  Therefore, I give you Marathon Monday, in photos!

I still cannot believe all the fun was over a week ago!  The trip was crazy fast but I loved it!  I am already toying with the idea of going back in 2012.  I have enjoyed each and every one of your reports- Congrats again to all the 5k and Marathon finishers!!!!

MBE Resumes…Question For Next Week

Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  If you prefer to simply answer in the comments section below, that is okay too!

Next Weeks Topic:  Running Green

Next Weeks Question:  In celebration of (belated) Earth Day, tell us how you help the earth by running green.

Boston Trip Report Day 2 & The B.A.A. 5K Report

Haven’t read part 1 yet?  Don’t miss out on the fun and photos- go read it here.

Sunday morning was a super early start in the POURING rain!  I got dressed, had a granola bar and water and was on my way.  Thankfully by the time we got off the T-line and to the start, the rain had tapered off!  It was still quite cold, but I knew I would appreciate it once I was running.  (I don’t think my mom appreciated it at all!)  This was not “just” a 5K…it was the BOSTON 5K…that meant lots of spectators, a great atmosphere and a medal!  Yes, a medal!  SCORE!  And lots of bloggies 🙂  We met on the steps for some pre-race conversation; it was a great way to pass the time before getting to the start line.

The 5k was crowded at first but as the first 1/4 mile went on, I was able to get into a groove on my own.  I started out fast- way too fast- and hit the first hill with gusto!  I knew if I wanted to finish strong, I needed to slow down.  I hit the first mile at just over 10 minutes.  The second mile went relatively fast- the crowd support was amazing, the best I have ever witnessed for a 5k and I was loving all the cheers.  After passing the 2nd water stop, I decided to slow down because my shins were on fire.  I didn’t want to come away from this race focused on pain, I wanted to come away from this race being happy and having had a good time.  I took it down to a slow jog, but that ended up actually hurting more.  I struggled to get comfortable for the entire last mile- but thankfully, I had come across Morgan and Spike spectating and their cheers gave me a nice push to the finish.  Even though it was “just” a 5K, it was by far the coolest I ever ran!!! 

My official time was 31:42- I am very happy with that because I really did get to enjoy the race and take it all in.  I had thought about pushing for a PR, and I probably could have gotten it, but after rethinking it just before go-time I decided to just have fun with the run since I wasn’t sure I would ever get to do it again. 

After the 5K, my mom and I headed immediately for coffee which was much needed!  before we headed over for bloggy breakfast we stopped to watch some of the invitational mile.  It was pretty cool to see some young runners out there and made even better by the funny commentary provided by Spike!  By the time 10am rolled around there were some seriously hungry runnnahs out there!  We headed over to Stephanies on Newbury for breakfast- and while they didn’t have our confirmation (Morgan was in charge of this…the most organized person EVER…something tells me this was a problem on the resturants behalf and NOT Morgan!) they were quick to accomodate our group.  After getting settled in with our coffee’s and Mimosa’s, it was a total chat-fest!  Next to being THISCLOSE to Kara Goucher and Ryan Hall, this was honestly, one of my favorite times all weekend!  Plus, I had just about the best waffle EVER!  Stacked high with strawberries and whipped cream.  (Katie managed to have whipped cream with a side of waffle!)  I was definitely sad to see the breakfast end!


From breakfast, it was back to the hotel to get ready to meet up with my Mom’s friend Lorna!  Back on the T-Line…back to the hotel…back to the T-Line…and into the Financial District we went!  We enjoyed a great dinner at Red Sky and then went for some ice cream.  We ended up back at Lorna’s house until quite late and by the time I got home, I was beat!

Up next…Marathon Monday ♥

Boston Trip Report Part 1

Wow- some of you already have your 5K reports up and some even have full weekend reports- you people are quick!!!!  In an effort to not bore you all to death with one long report, I will make this a three parter.  First part will be Saturday, the second part will be Sunday and the third will be Marathon Monday.  There are going to be lots of reports to read- my advice is to read them all- we all have a different story and perspective.  But if you cannot read them all, of course read mine 🙂

The adventure started very early Saturday morning.  I was still packing as of 1am and had to be up at 5am!  It was going to be a whirlwind weekend and sleep was going to be a hot comodidity  Mom and I were off to the airport at 7:30.  While checking my facebook at the airport, I noticed Denise was on the same flight- I got up to look for her and she spotted me right away!  So exciting to finally meet!  We have been looking for each other at local races for a long time; meeting at the airport was extra special!!!  We had a little bit to chat before the plane took off which was great!  Once boarded, the flight was only 46 minutes (love it!!!).  After we landed in Boston, I snapped a quick photo with Denise and we headed off to the T-line…the first of many trips we would make on the subway!

As soon as we got to the hotel, all we could think about was food (ok, all I ever think about it food) and we got ourselves fed.  Then it was off to the expo to pick up my bib.  Honestly, I wasn’t over-impressed with the expo.  With exception to watching the awesome video they had running and finally getting my photo with Yasso (after three failed attempts), I was disappointed.  It was ridiculously crowded and overall, I have seen better at other race expo’s.  We spent quite a bit of time there but I was ready to go after a while.


After the expo, I decided to hit the up the Bloggy Happy Hour.  Unfortunately, the actual Happy Hour never occured.  The bar knew nothing about us coming so instead it was more of a hang out in the lobby, snap some photos and have a chat session.  Regardless of how it worked out, it was so much fun- especially because I got to reunite with Morgan,  meet Aron and meet so many new great people!

By the time I left the bar, I was beat.  My mom and I were both starving so we hit up some dinner before getting back on the T-line to head to the hotel.  I laid out all my 5K stuff and headed to bed.  I slept like a baby!!!

Up next…the 5k and more bloggy lovin!!!

Last Post Before Boston!!!!

I said that yesterday too. I lied. I am not lying today.

Just a quick post to answer some questions before I head off to job #2 and then try to catch a few hours sleep before heading off to Beantown 🙂 

What is my number for the 5K? 99.  I love it! 

What am I wearing? I will be in my gray/pink Brooks shorts and black long sleeves with my brand new pink “Runs Well With Others Shirt” that I got from winning Denise’s give-a-way.  I just got it in the mail today and I am so excited!  Yeah…I am breaking the rules and wearing something new for racing, but I justify it because A- I am wearing a shirt I have worn under it and B- it’s only a 5K.  Gotta look cute 🙂

What is my anticipated 5K time? I don’t have one.  I have a time I would like to beat for 5k’s in general this year…but this is Boston.  I may never run this 5k again…I want to take everything in and have a good time.  I anticipate I will be around the 30-minute mark…little less, little more…depends on how many people I see along the way and how often I stop for photos!

What are my plans for the weekend? I arrive tomorrow morning.  After settling into the hotel, my mom and I will probably grab lunch and then hit up the expo.  I will definitely be there around 3-4pm because I want to hear Matt Long speak.  I plan to spend a lot of time at the expo. And money.  Other than the expo and the 5k, my only other plans are to sightsee around Boston with mom, meet up with as many people as possible (I am attending the Brunch at Stephanies at Newbury Sat after the 5K), spectate the marathon and take a ridiculous amount of photos!   

Where will I be during the marathon? I plan to be around the 5K mark and the 10K mark for a period of time.  At different points I’ll probably be with different people but will end up somewhere near the finish to watch you all come through!  If you are playing even the slightest bit of attention to spectators, you will see me.  I’ll be wearing a Finishing=Winning shirt, holding my sign and cheering on like mad!

How long am I staying in Boston? Our flight leaves Monday night.  I’ll have a little time after the race (you reading this Meg and Lindsay!) but then it’s off to the airport!

Hope to see you all there 🙂 


I am not bringing my laptop with me, so I anticipate having 3429874 posts to catch up on upon my return…between reading and writing and working, I might be a little MIA…hope to catch up with you all by next weekend!

Excitement & A Bit Of Sadness

Last April I wanted to spectate Boston.  Financially, I couldn’t work it out no matter how hard I tried.  However, I knew I was going to be there in 2011.  I made a deal with a fellow blogger to run the 5k together.  I was looking very forward to it, even a year ago when Boston seemed so far away.  Often myself and this blogger would talk about meeting up- we emailed frequently, became close friends and over summer started making plans for Boston.  I was so excited!

That friend was Rick.  Suddenly, and sadly, Rick passed away in October.

Rick and his Daughter- he loved this photo and I love how happy they both look.

Boston won’t be the same.  Not without Rick. He was the whole reason I was going to do the 5K…we were supposed to toe the line together.  And he won’t be there.  However, I know I won’t be totally alone…something tells me that Rick’s spirit will be at Boston…he wouldn’t miss all his friends running for the world!

Boston is going to be a great time- I am looking so very forward to meeting all the amazing bloggies (especially Denise, Meg and Lindsay…I have been reading their blogs since the beginning!) and taking part in all the festivities.  I have a whole heck of a lot jammed into two short days but I cannot wait!  This is more than likely my last post until I return but when I come back I will have a full 5K report, a spectator report and lots and lots and lots of photos! 

If You Are Running Boston & You Read This Blog…READ ON!

I fully intend to include every runner who reads this blog on my sign for the marathon!  However, in an effort not to miss anyone, I ask that you leave a little note here if you are running next Monday!  You might not know it yet, but I am the loudest, most energetic, sepctator you could imagine.  A small little thing, but I carry A LOT of spunk!

So…give me your names if you are running and then watch out for me on the course! 

See you this weekend Boston kids ♥

Monday Brain Exchange Week 33- Boston!!!

Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  Link your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.

This Weeks Topic:  All About Boston

This Weeks Question:  What are your thoughts on the Boston Marathon?  Have you, are you or do you plan to, run the Boston Marathon?  What do you think of the new regulations? 

When I started running, I never intended on even doing a half-marathon.  I definitely never saw myself running a marathon- in fact, the idea of running 26.2 miles is still hard for me to process.  I don’t quite understand the concept of running 26.2 miles as it applies to me.  I know I am training for it…I know I am signed up for it…I know I am going to do it…but the whole idea of it still blows my mind.  And you Boston runners- you blow my mind too!  I cannot imagine holding the Boston pace for 3 miles, let alone the 26.2 you had to do to qualify.  To me, you are all amazing. 

I will cross the Boston finish line this year- but as a part of the B.A.A 5k!  And that is the closest I will ever come to “running Boston” myself.  And that is really enough for me.  I never did have dreams of running Boston- hell, I don’t know if I will ever run a marathon #2- it just never crossed my radar as something I wanted to do.  I run at a middle-of-the-pack pace and that suits me.  Even if I could run at the current qualifying pace, they have now changed it- a change that I truly believe, was needed.  The thing is, because I am not someone trying to qualify, I don’t really think my opinion has its place when it comes to qualification requirements.

Boston for me, is all about a fun time!  I am looking forward to flying with my mom (our first time flying together) and spending quality time with her.  I am so excited for the 5K and lunch with awesome bloggers.  I cannot wait for lots and lots of photos and I REALLY cannot wait to spectate the marathon!  I am looking so very forward to watching you all start and finish this race! 

See you in Beantown, kids!!!


*MBE will not post on Monday, April 18, as I will be in Boston!  It will resume with a question the following week.