Monday Brain Exchange Week 28- Socially Networking

I am slacking again on the links, I know- please bear with me…I am on vacation 🙂

Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  Link your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.

This Weeks Topic: Social Networking

This Weeks Question: Do you use Facebook, Twitter, Daily Mile etc… to socially network for your blog?

I am addicted to Facebook. Entirely too much.  I have been a member for over five years but I didn’t really care about it at first.  I would say in the last two years it has crept into my life and now I love it.  I love how it keeps me in touch with my friends that I otherwise wouldn’t see.  But I don’t use it for my blog- my blog doesn’t have a page and I don’t post my posts there.  For me, it would just be another thing for me to keep up with and I don’t think I would be very good at doing so.

As for other social networking sites, I don’t use any.  I used to use Daily Mile and I actually really loved it…but again…just another thing to keep up with and I didn’t do a good job.  I seriously needed to downsize all of the things I was trying to do- and since I already have a log I keep my stats on, I really didn’t need it.  And twitter…well tweeters, you will NEVER see me send a tweet.  Just can’t get into it.  Oh, and I don’t need another addiction!!!



Next Weeks Topic: Music Montage

Next Weeks Question: If you had a soundtrack for your training and racing, what songs would appear on it?

A Tale Of Two Runs & Off To The Sunshine State!

Tuesday Afternoon Run

  • Tuesday, when I was off for my snow day, I hit the gym for a run and some lifting. 
  • Short run; just a few miles.
  • Didn’t really want to run. Just wasn’t in the mood.
  • Did it anyway.
  • Everything was perfect (especially considering I was on the dreadmill) and I felt great!
  • When the run was done, I was sad.  I wanted to keep going.
  • Damn 10% rule!

Thursday Morning Run

  • Long run planned.  I should say “long” run since my mileage is generally still low.
  • Was excited and ready to go!
  • My legs were dead and barely moved.  I felt like I had lead weights around my ankles.
  • Everything hurt.
  • The excitement of the run was gone and I just wanted to be done.
  • I was sad, and wanted to stop.
  • Did it anyway.

Why is it that we can have such a great run one day and such a terrible run the next time out?  I mean, no run is ever terrible…I always feel good after getting my miles in, but some runs are a serious pain in the ass.  And it seems to me that a not-so-good run always follows an awesome run.  Frustrating!  

I think the lesson in the good/bad run, is that I get through them.  Even when we have bad runs, it is so important to get through them.  Especially since the mental game is definitely the hardest.  In fact, I tend to think of the mental aspect of triathlon as the fourth discipline.  We can swim, bike and run all we want…as fast as we want…as long as we want.  Unless we get beat mentally.  How do you overcome being mentally beaten?


And for the best thing in my life right now:  I leave for Florida in a matter of hours.  My excitement is through the roof- not even sure how I am going to make it through my half-day at work!  It is rainy and gross in NJ right now and the perfect day to take a trip to the Sunshine state 🙂  I cannot wait to take a run down A1A!

I will be blogging here and there- some photos and I’ll post the MBE, but for the most part I will be too busy in the sun and sand with a drink in my hand. 🙂

A Real Post- With Updates & Everything!

I have been a little MIA but really, just my usual busy self.

Today we have a snow day.  It is completely unnecessary.  A few weeks ago, after a blizzard, we had school.  Every single other school in the county was closed.  Today, we have a few inches. All schools had a two-hour delay. We are closed.  We can never just be like everyone else.  The upside is, since I had off yesterday for Presidents Day and today for snow, I only have to work 2.5 days this week.  I am taking a half-day Friday to head to Florida!

Speaking of Florida.  This time last year, I was on my way home from Florida.  I had spent the weekend with Morgan in Orlando and Jacksonville.  Looking back to that time, I see truly how much has changed in my life.  I had a blast in Florida, but that was not a good time in my life in general.  I had just lost my grandfather, I was unhappy at work, living at home with my parents, feeling lonely much of the time and only days away from a major injury.  These days, while I am still unhappy at my day job, I have so much good in my life.  It really is amazing how when you allow yourself to live a good life, life becomes good.  It isn’t that bad things aren’t happening or that I don’t have bad days, it’s more like I am choosing to focus on the good.  Life is so much easier this way and I only wish I had begun living like this a lot earlier!

February is flying as fast as January did; when I get back from Florida it will be March already!  February started off with a Hip Hop Thrown Back Party that my friends Victoria and Jason threw- it was a blast!  I haven’t partied liked that in years but it was so worth it!  I have been dating someone since late January (first mention of it in this blog, right now) and things with us are going really well.  Last weekend was my Tri Teams winter party which was also super fun.  Of course, it is always a good time with my teammates.  And of course, this weekend is Florida.  We take off Friday night around 6pm and we are there until Tuesday afternoon.  I cannot wait!  We really don’t have much planned, which is the idea- all we really want to do is bask in the 80* weather, spend time on the beach and hit up the bars for some dancing at night!  Our hotel is right on the beach and I cannot wait to run down A1A and swim in the ocean!

As for my training, that is also going really well.  It seems I have settled into somewhat of a schedule- consistently hitting workouts four days a week and pulling at least one two-a-day a week.  I am running, biking, lifting and doing a little P90X.  I have been sticking to the 10% rule like a psycho- I refuse to get injured again this year!  So while my mileage is still quite low, my runs are all quality and I feel great!  I have also been riding my trainer a few days a week and I can feel my bike skills getting better.  I am actually looking forward to getting my bike on the road again!  And the best part of my winter training has been my strength- I have been lifting solidly since the beginning of the year and it is showing.  I not only feel strong but I am looking stronger.  I don’t think I have been this lean in a long time- I am really feeling good about the way I look!  I still have a lot I want to work on, but by summer, I plan to rock my bikini’s!

Starting in March, I will be back in the water swimming a few mornings a week.  I always look most forward to the water as I truly love to swim.  On March 2nd, I will (along with many others) be trying to get a spot in the B.A.A 5k!  I want to run that race so bad- I am going to cross my fingers and toes and hope for the best!  March is also Shamrock time- I am still bummed out about missing out of the half-marathon but I think it was for the best.  I would have had to push my training more than I would have wanted so if probably worked out the way it should have.  The weekend is sure to be a blast- I am heading down with my friend Nicole and we have a house on the beach to stay the weekend and we are running the 8K.  I am still looking forward to catching a tan on the boardwalk while watching the big races on Sunday 🙂  I’ll begin my half-marathon training plan when I get back from VA; I am still going to train as if I am doing Frederick in May, although I still have not made a final decision.  I am pretty sure March is going to fly by as fast as January and February, which I am totally okay with because then Spring will be here 🙂

I’ll leave you all with some photos from the Hip Hop Party-

How was your February?

Monday Brain Exchange Week 27- Races & Vacations

Last Week’s Players will be linked tomorrow- Sorry- I forgot I have off today and all my info is saved on the work computer!

Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  Link your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.

This Weeks Topic: Racing and Vacations

This Weeks Question: Do you make vacations out of your races when they are far from home?

I love to travel, so for me, finding destination races is part of the fun.  If the race is already going to cost me a flight and days off from work, I see no reason why it shouldn’t be made into a vacation!  In the past, I have done this with at least three of my races and have a few planned for this year as well.

I hope that when I have a family, I can continue finding races while vacationing.  I think it is a good way to keep doing what I love while also including my family.

This Friday, I leave for Florida.  While I am not racing and this is a R&R long weekend away…Victoria and I cannot let go of our training.  We have an open water swim planned as well as a few runs and we even scoped out our gym so we can lift one day.  One of the best things about taking trips with friends who are also training, is that they totally get it.


Next Weeks Topic: Social Networking

Next Weeks Question: Do you use Facebook, Twitter, Daily Mile etc… to socially network for your blog?

30 Days Of Truth- Day 3

Day 3- Something you have to forgive yourself for.

The concept of living a life with no regrets is great in theory, but it’s also unrealistic.  I do have regrets.  And instead of pretending they don’t exist, I have learned to use them as tools to live better.

It has taken some time, but I realize now that I have to forgive myself most for not providing myself with a traditional college experience.  I went to community college and did well.  But it just wasn’t for me.  Then I went to hair school.  I excelled and truly did love it- but hated being in the salon environment.  After a few years, I went back to school.  Dean’s list every semester, awards for excellence and accepted in the Dual Program to work on my Masters while still taking classes for my Bachelors.  Then it came crashing down. I’m three credits shy of my degree, that I don’t even know if I will ever use, and in debt to a University that has made every step of my path a difficult one.  It is hard not to think about how it all would have turned out if I had just done it the “normal” way.  But I didn’t- I am here.  And I have to be present here. 

I have to get past the mistakes I made when I was young that still reverberate through my life’s path. I need to remember that I would not have learned the lessons I did or had every experience that has put me where I am now, if it wasn’t for decisions that were once mistakes.

My mistakes are a part of who I am.  I am beginning to realize that regrets aren’t necessarily a bad thing.  My mistakes have taught me priceless lessons I wouldn’t have otherwise learned and have given me an idea of who I do and/or do not want to be.

Mistakes are a part of life.  Regrets happen.  Forgiveness is growth.

Day 1–> Something you hate about yourself

Day 2–> Something you love about yourself

Monday Brain Exchange Week 26- Keeping It Fun In Extreme Weather

Last Week’s Players: Steve, Kandi, Kim, Kera  (if I missed you, let me know and I’ll get you linked in)

Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  Link your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.

This Weeks Topic: Extreme Weather & Keeping it Fun

This Weeks Question: Do you deal with any types of extreme weather where you live?  Heat warnings, a lot of snow, frequent tornados?  How do you keep your workouts fresh and fun when you are stuck indoors?

We experience all 4 seasons here in NJ, but there are years you wouldn’t know that since it can go from extreme heat to extreme cold.  And of course, the best times to run are Spring and Fall but they come and go too quick!

The only times I do not run outside are in the winter when it is snow/ice or below 30 degrees and in the summer when the heat index is too high.  I hate training inside, so it takes a lot to keep me from heading out.  The one nice thing (and it is the only one I can think of) about winter training, is that I can sleep in late on weekends and do my runs when it warms up a little.  In the summer, I always try to beat the heat by getting up super early.

In my opinion, there is no way to make the treadmill fun…I just have to push through.  As for the bike, I hope on the trainer and do so during basketball games or put a movie in to make the time go faster.  If you have a way to make the treadmill fun, please share!


Next Weeks Topic: Racing & Vacations

Next Weeks Question: Do you make vacations out of your races when they are far from home?

Happy Two Years & 400 Posts To My Blog

Today is the TWO YEAR anniversary of this blog!  Two years!!!  Wow!

I noticed recently that I completely let my 400th post go by without any hoorah so this is a combination of my belated 400th post and two year post.  Want to take a look back- here you can find my 100th, 200th and 300th posts.

Over the last two years, I have gone from a few readers who knew me IRL to meeting people from all over the world who read my blog.  I have even been lucky enough to meet some of you in person- and will get to meet more in Boston!  I know when I find a new blog that interests me, I love looking back on some of their older posts in an effort to get to know them.  As my readership has built, I notice that some of you have also gone back and read some of my older posts.  In honor of my two-year anniversary and 400th post, I have listed what I think were my top 10 posts over the last two years!

  1. Gotta Tri- My first post.  It all started with a few small paragraphs.  I had no idea whatsoever what this blog would turn into; I definitely never thought I would have kept it up for two years!
  2. My Sponsored TiaRT Back before I started the MBE, there was TiaRT.  For a series of months, faithful TiaRT’ers sponsored their own questions and put together a slideshow of racing. 
  3. Philadelphia 1/2 marathon 2010 Race Report This race has so much meaning to me.  It represents almost everything 2011 stands for.  The attitude I went into this race with is the way I feel about the year 2011.  I think, of all the road races I have done, this one has shaped me more than any other.  Oh yeah…and there was that 4 minute PR!
  4. Full Disclosure This post will forever be a top post.  It really defined me as a blogger because it was the day I let you all really know me.  The good, the bad…the ugly.
  5. Tips for Tri’s Never hurts to go over this post again!
  6. Happy Living Tips Another one it never hurts to revisit.  Make the most out of every day!
  7. NJ State 2010 Race ReportMy all time best time at a race from start to finish.  And my favorite race of all time too!  Re-reading that post always make me smile!
  8. Delaware 1/2 Marathon race report Because you only get one first half-marathon!
  9. Biggest Loser Gimmicks One of my more controversial posts.  And one of the first times I really ranted about something on my blog.  Recently, I have been watching A&E’s Heavy, which is amazing.  It is like Biggest Loser but without Jillian screaming and they don’t bother with gimmicks. Go figure.
  10. Too Slow to Race I still remember the smoke that came out of my ears as I read the article that precipitated this post.  For the record, you are never, ever…EVER, too slow to race.  Ever.

Here’s to 100 more posts and another great year of blogging for Onelittletrigirl ♥

30 Days Of Truth- Day 2

Day 2: Something you love about yourself.

A few years ago this would have been really tough for me.  I still find it a little tough even though I have come to terms who I am and what I do love about who I am.  I always found it hard to determine what it was about myself I loved, without thinking about what others love about me.  How does one learn to perceive themselves without the perceptions of others getting in the way?

Things I love about myself:

  • I am resilient.  I am strong.  I have bounced back from so much in my life.  I am able to self-reflect and learn from my mistakes.
  • I have a work ethic that is hard to come by; many employers are missing out on a great person simply because I have yet to earn my degree.  That paper says nothing about who I am as a person.
  • I am capable of anything once I put my mind to it.
  • I am loyal to a fault.  But I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I like that my friends/family know they can count on me.
  • I love to have a good time.  Having fun is fun 🙂
  • I love that I am unafraid of saying what I think.  I will stick up for myself or others even against the crowd.
  • I love that in crisis, I can usually pull myself and others together.
  • I will stick to my convictions even if they get me in trouble.  I will never apologize for my morals or beliefs.
  • I love that I am willing to face most of my fears but I don’t beat myself up over the ones I am not willing to face.
  • I love my sense of humor.  I think my ability to laugh at myself if one of my better traits.
  • I love that I am not afraid to get in a car and just drive.  I love that I am okay traveling alone but can travel well with others too.
  • I love that, even though I might be a perfectionist, a little bit anal and slightly obsessive-compulsive, I have learned to embrace those things as a part of who I am.
  • I love that I was able to easily write this list!

And a few materialistic things:

  • I love my blue eyes.
  • I love how my butt looks in jeans. 
  • I have GREAT hair! 
  • I love my scars- they are little reminders of where I have been and experiences I have had.
  • I love that I can be girly but prefer to be in jeans and a t-shirt.

What do you love about you?

Monday Brain Exchange Week 25- 2011 Excitement

Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  Link your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.

This Weeks Topic: 2011 Racing

This Weeks Question: What race are you most excited for in 2011?  Any destination races?  Are you trying out a new distance.  Tell us what it is in general you are looking forward to when it comes to 2011 racing.

The race I am most excited for is NJ State.  It was my favorite race last year and I am looking to do even better this year.  The second race I am most excited for isn’t even one I am running, and that race is Boston!  I am so excited to meet so many of you and watch the race that Monday 🙂

And as for trips…well, this is me so of course I have trips planned!  First up, Shamrock 8K in VA Beach.  Then hopefully I’ll get into the B.A.A 5K for when I am in Boston.  I am also planning to travel to New York for the Boilermaker in July to celebrate my 30th birthday.  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Next Weeks Topic: Extreme Weather & Keeping it Fun

Next Weeks Question: Do you deal with any types of extreme weather where you live?  Heat warnings, a lot of snow, frequent tornados?  How do you keep your workouts fresh and fun when you are stuck indoors?

Do You Believe Finishing Is Winning?

As you all know, this blog supports any and all swimmer/bikers/runners.  Regardless of your speed, distance or anything else…if you put yourself out there, I consider you a winner!  If you support the idea that Finishing is Winning, and you are one of the first 15 to tell me, I will send you this…

That’s right, my very own sticker!  Thanks to Megan at Build-A-Sign that provides custom bumper stickers!  Megan contacted me earlier last month and asked me if I would be interested in making a car sticker.  Self promote?  I was all about it!  From beginning to end, Megan was great to work with.  I am not exactly the most creative person and I seem to have problems with anything technical.  But Megan was eager to help and I was able to get a sticker made up.  I love the final product!  Megan was kind enough to send me 25 total stickers so that I could give some away to my friends 🙂

If you love the final product, support Finishing is Winning and want to sport one of these awesome stickers, let me know!  Email me @ Jillyfly81 at comcast dot net.  I suck at getting to the post office (just ask Lindsay) but I promise I will get them to you before…well, lets not give me another deadline to screw up.  Just trust me, you will get them!