Hips Don’t Lie

There will not be a full week in review this week.  A- this has not been a week I would like to review; there were way more downs than up, and B- there is not much working-out to review. 

I did manage to get some ab work and lifting in (arms) plus two runs.  First run was Thursday night and it was okay at best.  My hip was not cooperating at all and it was mostly just a fast walk.  I also went for a run today; it was Casey’s Virtual marathon relay and I took on one 5.2 mile leg.  I ended up doing a full 6 miles but it wasn’t a great run.  Actually, it sucked.  So I contributed a super slow time to the relay (sorry!) AND on top of it, I forgot to take a photo for .30 second time deduction. 

So about my hip…I am letting it win.  I give in.  Shakira was rightl Hips don’t lie.  And mine is pissed off!  I am going to do my running miles on the elliptical this week and give my hip a break.  I am not interested in making a bad thing worse and risking missing a race down the line.  I see the Chiro for ART Tuesday, and again Friday…hopefully that, plus a week of rest will help. 

Oh, and back to swimming tomorrow morning 🙂  Can’t wait to get in the pool!!!

I know, short post!  But, I have a few really good ones in the vault that I am working on 🙂

This, That, and More Friggen Snow!

Dear Spring…it goes without saying, but I will anyway…GET HERE NOW!  Thanks! With love, Jillian

Guess what happened last night???  It snowed.  Again. Tired of it yet?  I am!

Honestly, I never thought the day would come when a snow day pissed me off but I have had it!  Even the kids at my school are totally over it at this point. 

After two very long posts, my vacation recap here and race recap here, I am in the mood for a list format:

  • A few thank you’s to my commenters: 
    • THANK YOU for all your kind words of sympathy in regard to my grandfathers passing.  He fought the good fight and while I know he is as peace, I already miss him immensely. 
    • THANK YOU for all the tu-tu love!  Morgan and I both felt extreme pride in racing for such an amazing cause.  It seems (sadly) that when it comes to cancer, everyone has a story.  100% of race proceeds were donated; 70% to cutting edge breast cancer research and 30% to the Donna Foundation.
  • I have to give a shout out to all my new readers!  🙂
  • Libby and Suzy,  I have not forgotten your give-a-way prizes.  My chaotic life + the snow = no post office visits this week.  They are coming, I promise!
  • In addition to my grandfather passing away, my mom also broke her foot last weekend.  She is at the dr as we speak so please sent some good thoughts/prayers that she only needs a cast/boot and not surgery!
  • I knew I wouldn’t get my scheduled workouts in with all the viewing and funeral stuff, but now with the snow (yesterday and today) I am still workout’less.  I really, really, really hope my gym is open today.  I need to get a workout in!  The most I have done since last Sunday is some ab work in my living room. 
  • Now that the Donna Half-Marathon is run and done, my focus has switched to the Shamrock Half-Marathon on March 21st in Virginia Beach.  I will be heading down there with two of my friends (was supposed to be three, but unfortunately, my one friend had to back out) and I cannot wait.  I can tell you right now, there will NOT be any tu-tu wearing but that doesn’t mean I won’t be getting in the Irish spirit!
  • Not that it feels like it here, but March is right around the corner which means swim and bike training are going to start soon!  No more slacking on spin class as I have been for the past three months and it is time to get back in the pool!  I am actually looking very forward to the pool and I think it will be good for my hip as well.

PiF 500++ Mile Club Update: I am continuing to put my money away for each mile I run/bike and it is exciting to see the pile grow!  I find myself rounding up as well so there is definitely some extra going in the jar!  My original goal was 650 miles for the year, and while I intend at this point to still hit that number, I know that I might have to re-think it given the hip issue.  So far, I am behind in my miles, but not so far behind that it can’t be made up at this point.  For now, I am going with it and I figure at the six month point I will assess the situation and go from there. 

Are you in the PiF 500 Mile+ club?  If so, how is it going for you?

Hope you have a good weekend!  Good luck to all those racing this weekend 🙂



Donna Half-Marathon Race Report

Yeah….the race report is finally here 🙂


  • This will be another long post
  • You WILL get photos of Tu-Tu’s (and lots of em)

A few additional things to note before I begin:

  • My original goal was to PR, but a week before the race, I was diagnosed with a minor hip flexor strain.  As for finish times, our only goal was to actually finish.  Of course in my mind, I had a goal set and I am happy to say we smashed it!
  • Morgan’s real name is Jen, but she goes by Morgan.  I still think it might be a government thing.  And she asked for Morgan to be put on her bib so she is listed as Morgan Morgan.  I am cracking up even as I write this!
  • We had decided almost 5 months ago to run in Tu-Tu’s and we kept it a secret the whole time- we officially named ourselves Tu’-Tu’s for Ta-Ta’s!  We really thought a lot of people would be in them, but there were only a handful.  We (and I am not biased, I promise) totally had the best ones!  And we were totally excited that they didn’t bother us at all and we were able to keep them on the entire time!
  • We did not look up the race course before hand.  This would prove to make things suck a lot at times!  I recommend always looking up a race course.  Then you will know about bridges, inclines and beach running.  Just saying.
  • We realize now, after looking at photos, that we look all of 15 years old in our outfits and people probably loved us because they thought we were closer to the age of 10, rather than 30!.  Not only are we not wearing any make-up, but the Tu-Tu’s also makes us look even shorter than we already are! 

And the stats:

Time/Pace:  2:33:34/11:43

Overall: 1771/3716

Age: 193/346

Now I promise…the report…

Ok…so we left off on race morning, at about 5:30am.  For the vacation recap, go here.

We decided to leave early just incase there was a wait for the shuttle.  There wasn’t, but I am still happy we left early.  It was cold, but it also gave us plenty of time to pee a few times, meander around and get warmed up.  I use the word “warmed” lightly as it was only 40* when we arrived at the site.  Although 40* was much warmer than the weather in NJ, 40* is cold no matter how you look at it.  And there were some crazies with no shirts on.  As for Morgan and I…we milked it for as long as possible and finally gave up our long sleeves and checked our bag.  And then on with the Tu-Tu’s.  From the second we put them on, people were loving us!  Seriously.  At one point I said to Morgan that it felt like we were local celebs.  And getting our photo taken was easy as pie, because everyone was offering to take our pic.   So without further adieu…I give you…the pre-race Tu-Tu photos:


Pretty, pretty Tu-Tu

The race was super organized and they began getting the runners corralled at 6:45 (it was a 7:30 start). As we were heading to the start line we met some awesome people.  Not only did chatting with them make the time go by but it also helped us forget how cold we were.  We chatted it up with a guy who was not only running his first full marathon, but was doing it in a skirt!  He was awesome and once I got home I stalked looked up his time and he finished in a very respectable 4:44:33- go Jeremiah!  We also met two ladies who were also running the half.  The one woman said she wanted to “wrap me up and keep me warm” and I was like “I’m not stopping you!”  They also gave us their Ponchos to wrap ourselves in until the start and I have to say, it helped a lot!  In addition to the people we met, we also saw some other people who were dressed up.  I am not sure why, but there were folks dressed as banana’s, monkeys and there was a white spiderman!  Oh, and a lady who put her “Finish Breast Cancer” tatoo on upside down (FAIL).  Uh, did I mention…we were the cutest!


Running for our loved ones ♥

Our friend, Jeremiah!

Keeping me warm 🙂

Being cute is tough, but we do a good job!

As the sun came up and the temps started to rise (yeah!) we were at the start finally!  Morgan and I planned this trip/race for a really long time and we were giddy with excitement as we started.  Additionally, it was really breathtaking to see all the names of those people the runners were running for; we saw people running for both survivors and those who have passed and some people were running for themselves (awesome, right!).  There were mostly women, but men too.  It was an awe-inspiring moment to take it as we walked our way to the start line.

A video at the start line as we passed through!

And we were off!

Miles 1-4–> The first mile was uneventful, spent simply trying to dodge the crowd and warm up. Mile two started up a bridge…a very big incline up a bridge.  This was the first of many times Morgan and I laughed about how we should have looked up the race course.  It wasn’t long before my hip was screaming at me; the bridge pavement was uneven and it was difficult to run.  Morgan did a fantastic job of navigating me through people and up onto more even ground.  About halfway over the bridge we had our first Christy sighting! 

Notice the amazing sun in the background!!!!

As we ran down the other side of the bridge it was hard not to take in the spectacular views we had from where we were running.  The day was turning out to be gorgeous and the sun was shining bright.  My only regret is that I passed up water at mile 2 because it was a long way until the next stop.  They said it would be every mile, so I thought I was okay to hold off, but every miles was notsomuch every mile and I was feeling parched!  As we headed down the expressway there were lots of spectators, and FINALLY a water stop and at one point Morgan snapped this photo of me that I love, love, love:

Feet movin, pony-tail swinging…

The fourth mile went through some neighborhood streets and was super crowded.  Morgan stopped to take off her socks while I ran ahead (clearly super speedy would catch up!).  She found me and got me back on pace…apparently I had taken off!  I must say, even though the splits ended up all over the place (for different reasons) Morgan made a valiant effort to keep me on pace.  Oh, and while she was on her way to find me, she snapped this great photo that says it all:

Miles 5-7–> Mile 5 began a decent onto the beach…another surprise and another reason to look at the race course.  Look, I am going to be totally honest.  I was NOT happy.  I had never run on the beach and did not want to start at that moment.  But hell, what was I going to do but keep on moving.  Morgan was fantastic through these miles, keeping me positive and smiling even though I was not loving it.  There were signs we had signed at the expo the day before aligned down the beach and as we approached them Morgan was reading them to me outloud…strength, endurance, hope, love…etc.  Of course, I didn’t have my glasses so I kind of needed her to read them.  Plus she seriously had Inspector Gadget eyes- not kidding she could read these things a quarter mile away!  I kept reading what I thought they were and I was wrong every time!  We took some photos on the beach…it was to beautiful to pass up!  At one point someone asked if I would take their photo and I was like “sure, gives me a walk break excuse!” and Morgan was like “I heard that” and next thing I know we are off and running again!  At mile 7 we turned off but the marathoners had to keep at it on the sand!

Morgan: “Jill, Smile you love this” Jill: “Uh, yea I love this”

One of the many signs along the beach; this is the one I signed for my Mom-Mom

Another favorite photo of mine.

Enjoying every moment!!!!

Miles 8-10–> As we headed from the beach back to pavement, this was the first thing I saw:

I was also feeling some sand in my socks.  I tried to ignore it but about a half mile in, I couldn’t take it.  Morgan insisted I take a second to get comfortable so I took off my shoes and socks and got the sand out!  Ahhhh, much better!  At least my feet were better.  My hip was a different story and Morgan knew I was struggling so she started singing to me to get my mind off of the pain.  We sang silly songs (animaniacs, elephant song, etc…) throughout all of mile nine.  As we came to the end of mile we hit a jackpot of GU, bananas and fig newtons.  Morgan took some fig newtons while I opted for a banana.  I was so hungry I was about to eat it with the peel on!  It was the best banana ever and at one point I think I even said, “If I end up throwing this banana up, it will still be the best banana ever” because I was THAT happy to be eating!  Just about halfway through mile ten, the marathon leaders went past us…they are friggen fast!  We heard the sirens coming so Morgan got ready and snapped this photo:

Miles 11-12.5–> Seeing the leaders gave me a surge of energy, but unfortunately I was letting my mind get the best of me at this point.  I could see the bridge coming and I was starting to freak out about my hip, the incline and the uneven pavement.  And even though I think Morgan wanted to bop me over the head, she was so awesome and reassuring with me.  She kept me positive and even though we both knew what was coming she refused to let me get down on myself.  Mile 11 was long…and I struggled, but we were so close and we both knew we would be seeing Christy again soon.  I walked. A lot.  Way more than I would have liked, or that I am proud of, but I had to listen to my body and take a break.  Morgan allowed me to walk, stop and stretch and then, when I was ready, we ran again.  Morgan kept reminding me that we would get to Christy soon and that would be my “prize” to stop and take some photos!  And so we ran and ran and ran and then Morgan spotted Christy!!!  It was an awesome moment!  I got a huge lift and sprinted up the rest of the incline all the way to Christy who was waiting with a special sign just for us!

Too friggen cute- love her!

Looking rough but feeling recharged!

Miles 12.5-13.1–>  As we left Christy, “Born to Run” was playing and we screamed the lyrics with our arms in the air…half running and half dancing just having a good time.  Then there was a huge line of supporters and I began to get really emotional.  Everything was hitting me; I was thinking my Mom-Mom and how much she had been through and my Pops who I was really missing and how far I had come since my journey began and how proud I was to be running for a great cause.  I totally dropped some tears!  And then it was there…not far away was the finish.  It was a slow go, a trot more than a run…but my peppy little Morgan went from Positive Pepster to Drill Sergeant and got my ass moving!  As happy as I was to see the finish, we were beyond disappointed at the lack of cheering at the finish line.  Sparse spectating at best and almost no clapping or cheering.  Luckily we were all excited and after I yelled out “hey how about some cheers” people got yelling!  And as we approached the finish line we held hands and ran across! 

13.1 Run and Done!

Victory Dance!

Friends Forever- brought together through blogging, Tu-Tu’s, and 13.1 miles ♥

After some ice for Morgan (her knees took a beating on the uneven pavement!) and stretching/massage for my hip we hit the food and began gorging on pretty much everything in sight.  Especially the most amazing sugar cookies ever.  Morgan even had me go back for seconds for us (I took one for the team..I owed her!!) to eat on the way back to the shuttles!  We boarded up…headed back…showered, ice bathed, packed and said good-bye to Jacksonville.

Overall, this was an amazing time.  I am so glad I got the opportunity to run this race and even happier to have done so with Morgan.  There is no way I could possibly convey what it meant to me, to run this race for my Mom-Mom, especially in the wake of my grandfathers passing.  It wasn’t a PR but it was my most proud race to date!

I leave you with one last Tu-Tu photo:

Team Tu-Tu’s for Ta-Ta’s


Vacation Recap!


  • No actual running takes place in this post.
  • You will not see any tu-tu’s in this post.
  • This will be a really long post.


The trip started with my flight out of Philly to Orlando.  That morning was crazy; my grandfather passed away and I hadn’t even finished packing yet.  I spent some time with family, who all 100% totally supported me, and then came back with my mom to finish packing.  We were just getting done as my Aunt Donna pulled up to take me to the airport.   Then it was time to fly 🙂  I flew Southwest which I love, but because they don’t give you a seat I get nervous that I won’t have a window.  And I need a window.  But I was fairly early in the boarding line-up and got a window.  Then two kids sat next to me and I was like “UGH!” but then they moved to the back with their parents and a couple who was fighting sat down.  I wanted the kids back.  The couple fought pretty much the entire flight, and the girl talked to me the entire time!!!  Oh, and there was a crying baby two rows ahead of me.  And actually crying is an understatement!  Needless to say, I was so happy to land in sunny Orlando!  Once I landed, I called Morgan and within ten minutes she was there and the trip was officially started!  The second she got out of the car, we instantly began chattting and it was as if we had been friends forever!  She was so excited to be taller than me (half-inch!) and I was so excited that she thought I had big boobs (big is relative!)!

Once we got back to her apartment (which is right above a Ross and Target, amongst other things) we went down to Jason’s Deli for dinner.  This place is awesome and they need to bring them to NJ.  It was so much more than just a deli.  They had so many fabulous wraps and sandwhiches to offer, but we both settled on the salad bar.  This salad bar had everything you could imagine!  I made a giant plate with Spinach and Spring Greens and then had a smaller side plate of hummus and crackers.  And to top it off, the salad bar came with dessert; I had two little corn muffins and a small dish of vanilla ice cream.  It was yummy! 

After dinner, we went to Ross so Morgan could find a dress for the next night.  She did and it was super cute!  Then we went back to shower and get ready for a night out.  We went to Cowboys and all I can say is this place is hysterical!  People watching at it’s finest.  We were cracking each other up pointing out some of the amazing  outfits (read: fashion distasters and trashy looks) people were wearing.  Some of the great looks included half-top shirts, netted wear and the winner was a woman in full leopard with a fatigues hat.  Oh, and it was so weird to me that people smoke in bars there- I coudn’t get over how bizzarre that was because it has been years since you could do that in NJ and even longer in PA.  Anyway, we spent most of the night hanging out inside with all the really bad dancers; one girl looked like Rhianna on crack and she was whipping her neck so hard I thought she might break it and another right in front of us, who reminded me of an STD, kept making out with her boyfriend all  night.  Then some dude walked by, stopped and looked at us and was like “heeeeeyyy” and kept walking.  So we took our party of two outside in front of the fire.  The rest of the night we spent hanging out with her friend Erin that met up with us but because we both were tired from long days we called it a night at about 11:30 (which is actually really late for me, sad as that may seem) and headed home.  I was probably asleep in five minutes!

At Cowboys- first night out in O-town!


Wake up call was bright and early at 6:30 so we could get a good start on the day!  We were out and about by 8am; first up was a quick breakfast and then Morgan had to run a few errands.  One place we stopped was Track Shack, the local running store.  It was super cute and even though I can get my stuff at HRC in NJ, I am all about supporting a local running store so I picked up a few things.  And of course we took pics…

 Trying to blend in!

She loves this place! 

After the errands were done with, we met up with Robin for some lunch 🙂  Morgan and her had already met previously and run together before but for me it was super exciting to meet another blogger I love!  And of course we talked about all things body glide, work-out clothes, missing toenails and our running times/distances.  It was so much fun to talk with other runners who totally get it.  Robin had to get back to work but we took a few minutes after lunch to sneak some photos in at the park.

The nice posed shot 🙂

And the “pretend like your running” shot, which Robin wanted no part of; she’s like “theeeessssee two!”

 After lunch Morgan and I were headed to the Outlets.  Neither of us were really in a shopping mood but it was sunny and 68* out so we enjoyed being in the nice weather.  (Note: every person in Florida thinks the high sixties is still “a bit on the chilly side” but I was out and about the whole time in short sleeves and sandals, loving every second!) 

Love ♥

On our way out of the outlets Morgan had the great idea to get Strawberry Slushies from Sonic.  Ah-Maz-Ing.  We have Sonic but none super close to me so this was a real treat!  When we got home from the Outlets we had some downtime so Morgan finished up my Tu-Tu and we relaxed until dinner.

Dinner that night was at Capone’s; I had set it up months ago through a friend of my mom’s who works there.  We were so excited to get all dressed up and Morgan’s roomate Dawn did our make-up.  Dawn is really good with color and she did an awesome job.  I LOVED my look!  We got to get in through the “back way”, see some backstage action and after a pre-dinner glass of wine we were seated right up front!  The dinner was buffet, and to be honest it was just okay, but the show more than made up for it.  The show was super funny and if you are ever in the Orlando area I would suggest highly making it a night out. 

All dressed up!

Indulging with a glass of wine

With Angela; check out my eyes…love the make-up!

 With the cast of Capone’s Dinner Show 

Once the show was over we headed over to Universal to check out Mardi Gras along the City Walk.  We went in a few stores, took some pics, got some coffee and hot chocolate (or cocoa as Morgan calls it) and enjoyed another nice night just chatting and walking around. 

In front of the Globe, enjoying our hot drinks!

Just being my dorky self!


Another early wake up call as we were headed to Jacksonville!  The trip up to Jacksonville was uneventful (except we almost got hit by a car on a pee stop at McDonalds) and we arrived to the expo just as we planned around 11:30am.  The expo was nice; we got some free goodies (including a great shirt from one of Morgans friend), looked around and took some pics. 

At the expo 🙂

Then we were off to meet Christy for lunch.  The second we met up we were all chatting like a trio of school girls.  We decided to eat outside at Panera because it was 70* and BEAUTIFUL out!!!  We ended up there for close to three hours.  More proof of how running brings people together.  We had an awesome time but it was getting late and we had to say good-bye.  Luckily, Christy was volunteering the race and we knew we would see her the next day. 

It was wear black to lunch day at Panera!

Once we checked into the hotel, we unpacked our expo goodie bags, put on our new running shirts and headed down to the beach to take some photos.  It was so great to put my feet in the sand and water 🙂 

The shirts say “Just Run” and they are super comfortable!

Feet in the water, toes in the sand!!!!!!

Our hotel was at Mile 20 of the race.  No Mile 20 for us that day!!!!!

Then we headed over to the local Publix (love it there, and wish NJ had one!) to get some stuff for the night and next morning.  After Morgan “pooped the bed” (she got chocolate all over the white comforter!!!) we got out all our race stuff and made dinner. Then Morgan attempted to cut our socks so that they could stirrup over our running socks.  Hers turned out great; mine not so much as she ended up cutting off half my sock!  We were hysterical, and possibly deliriously tired!  By 7:30 we were settled into bed reading and watching TV.  Of course, other people in the hotel did not have the same idea we did and they were LOUD!  First, on my way downstairs to get butter for dinner, I was in the elevator with four women who were “omg sooooooooo wasted!”, headed out to the bar and already entirely too obnoxious for my liking.  When I asked if they were here for the race, one lady answered “yeah of course, why you don’t think we can run” and I just pointed to their beer and they just laughed.  Whatev.  We aren’t even sure they got up the next morning!  In addition to that mess, we had a room full of kids next to us screaming and yelling.  A group took out a block of rooms and put all the kids in the one room together.  We gave them till 8:30pm before we called the front desk.  We weren’t the first to complain, and they got a stern warning that they would be asked to leave if the noise kept up.  And they were quiet as mice the rest of the night.  Once we had that taken care of it was time for bed.


4:15 wake up call- race day was finally here!!!!!!!!!

 Getting ready 🙂

Pointing out the epic sock FAIL!

Running for my Mom-Mom, a two-time survivor!

5:30am, 37* and off to the race!


……..Stay Tuned For The Race Report……..



*I am sure I missed a lot…it was a crazy-fun-non-stop trip and I had a blast!!!  I am still trying to catch up on my reader (I won’t lie, I had to mostly start from scratch) and with my life in general.  Things, I hope, will be back to normal around here soon! 

Checking In From Orlando

So here I am, last night in Orlando 😦

This trip was much needed- and every day was spent having the best time possible.  The redhead is as awesome in person as I imagined and we have had a blast.  She is a wonderful hostess and showed me a very good time!

Anyway, just a real quick update:

-Unfortunately, right before I left for the airport (as in 1.5 hours before) my Grandfather passed away.  He had been sick a long time and he fought like hell, but still…you are never prepared.  My amazingly wonderful and supportive family urged me to continue with my trip as planned, so after some tears and family time I headed down to Florida.  I am sure there are people who think I am heartless for leaving at a difficult time, but I have so much love and support from those that know this is what my grandfather would have wanted, that I am 100% okay with my decision.

-This weekend was awesome…I have so many experiences and adventures to blog about but that will all have to wait.  For now, I must get to packing as I am headed to the airport in just 10 hours.  Because I will be returning to home at a busy time with the viewing and funeral, I still might be a bit absent from blogging but hopefully I’ll have a vaca recap up by tomorrow night and the race report complete by Wednesday.

-Speaking of the race, it was awesome!  First half-marathon of 2010 in the books!  Hip held up okay (just okay) but we had a great time and we finished together!  Morgan was a great pacer 🙂

I will leave you with a few photos as a sneak peak…only one race photo though, your just going to have to wait for the good stuff!

Short Sleeves and Flip Flops- 68* and Sunny 🙂

Universal- all dressed up from having went to Capone’s for dinner and a show

On the beach in Jacksonville!

One of my most favorite posts from the race- Team Tu-Tu’s for Ta-Ta’s ♥

Being Random & Give-A-Way Winners

All about the list-format randomness today!

  • Welcome new readers!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I have one more sleep until Florida. I.Am.Stoked.
  • Thanks for all the support yesterday in reference to my flight fears!  There have been over 6,000 cancelled flights in the last week out of Philadelphia so something tells me it will be a full flight, but I am still crossing my fingers for a free seat next to me!
  • Please go Casey’s page, read this post, and if you have it…give it.  Yeah, the economy sucks, but every little bit counts. 
  •  I have five half-started posts waiting to be finished. 
  • For some reason every time I post on Rachael’s blog it double-posts.  It apparently really bothers this guy!  But that’s okay…it got him to read (and quickly fall in love with) my blog 🙂
  • I love all the wonderful emails you all sent me in reference to my give-a-way–> looks like the easy format was a hit!
  • Julie and Suzy and Cathy all awarded me the SunShine Award 🙂  I feel so loved- Thanks girls!  I’ll be paying this forward sometime next week.
  • I have an insanely busy day today; half-day work, ice skating field trip, night conferences which I am leaving early in hopes of getting to my Team Meeting for an hour or so.  Then home to pack 🙂
  • I finally went to Pilates last night!
  • I dropped my Tuesday Magazine class.  As much as I wanted to love it, is how much I hated it.
  • Pilates is better than class!
  • The new instructor reminds me of the grandma in Something About Mary, except much buffer and without the cigarette hanging from her mouth.  She is crazy hardcore, has a hysterical accent and I loved every second of the class!
  • The Redhead and I have some seriously hysterical stuff planned for the race.  The more ridiculous, the better!
  • Has anyone ever ordered a wet-suit online?  It is so much cheaper but because I am so short I am afraid it won’t fit.  Experiences??  Anyone??  Bueller??
  • I think about random things on the treadmill and last night it dawned on me I need to update my blogroll.  Don’t be shy- if you aren’t there, and want to be, speak up!
  • I was featured today on Robin’s blog- what a wonderful post to see first thing in the morning- Thanks Robin!
  • I wish I kept better track of people’s races and give-a-ways so I could plug them.  Sorry guys, just not my department.
  • Philly Women’s Triathlon was rated one of the TOP 5 women’s tri’s in the world by Triathlete mag this month- woo-hoo! Go CGI!
  • Everyday I find new ways in which blogging is like “real life”; sometimes it makes me smile and sometimes it reminds me of high school and I want to throw up.
  • After reading this list do you need any more evidence that I am A.D.D????

And moving on to the good stuff….


For giveaway #1, I picked a name out of a bowl.

The Winner Is……….

 *And you will just have to trust me because for some reason the photos aren’t uploading…I’ll try again tonight*

LIBBY @ From O to Runner

For giveaway #2 I listed the names in order of when the emails came into my inbox.  Then, I emailed my mom and asked her to give me a number between 25-47 (two random numbers I chose).  She chose # 33  and the winner is….

SUZY @ Running On My Time

Congrats girls!  Send me your addresses (and Libby I need your sock size) and I will be sending out the packages after I return from Florida.  Thank you to everyone who participated!!!!


Ok kids…I’m out of bloggieland until Monday.  Not that I think you ever could or would, but don’t forget about me 🙂  I’ll be back with the three-part post and picture fest next week.  And I’ll be diligently working on what is sure to be a very full google reader!  Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Paying It Forward & Three Things Tuesday

I have to give a HUGE shout out to Lacey over at Objects and Events–> she posted about Iherb.com, which I had never heard of AND she is paying it forward by supplying a discount code.  The super amazing fabulous good news is this: THEY HAVE LARA BARS for $20/box!!!!   I have yet to find a place near me that sells Lara Bars by the box, so yeah, it took me all of about 3.5 seconds to make a purchase!  I also picked up some free samples while I was there 🙂  My total with S&H was under $20.  Score, score and score!!!  If you want to check it out, I would also like to pay it forward; I have a discount code for first time buyers: IDE178.  Happy Shopping 🙂


Three Things Tuesday- Vacation Edition

Flying Alone–  This is my first time flying alone and I won’t lie…I am totally nervous.  I am not the world’s best flyer to begin with and being alone makes me even more jittery.  I don’t like taking off, and I always worry about who is going to sit next to me.  I am space hog and I like a window seat.  I am flying Southwest and I paid the extra $10 to board early in an attempt to secure a window seat but it is just like me and my Type A personality to already be stressing.  Additionally, it never fails that I end up next to the guy who spits when he talks, the kid behind me who will kick my chair or the woman who put half a bottle of perfume on.  I know I will be fine as long as I remember to breath.

Making the most of it- This is probably the most jam-packed trip I have ever taken.  And I love it!  I am looking so forward to everything we have planned.  I know it is going to be busy and I am sure when I return home I will need a vacation from my vacation, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Save the ta-tas- The whole trip began with a simple email between myself and the Redhead.  I had thought about going to Ft. Lauderdale for the A1A half-marathon which is also this weekend and asked if she would like to join me.  She responded that she had the Donna Half-Marathon planned and then within a few more emails I decided to also do this race and the trip was being planned.  I am running in honor of my Mom-Mom, a two-time breast cancer survivor and one of the strongest women I know.  My Mom-Mom is what being a survivor is all about.  I look forward to crossing that finish line in honor of all survivors and in memory of all those who unfortunately lost their battle.  And there is more to love about this race: 100% of race proceeds and funds raised are donated to breast cancer research.  Hopefully, we will see a cure for this horrible disease sooner rather than later!

Taking It Easy Is Not Easy!

The post=appointment conversation between my dr. and I went a little something like this:

ME:  So can I run Sunday (said in hopeful high-pitch question voice)?

DR:  I don’t want to say you can’t run Sunday, because I think if you rest/ice/stretch like I tell you to, then you will be fine.  But I would take it easy, stay off it for a few days and see how you feel.

ME:  So…I can run…(insert puppy dog eyes)?

DR:  I am advising you to listen to you body.  Take it easy for the next week and half, see how you feel race day, and make a decision then.  Just be smart about it and listen to your body.

ME:  Okay, good.  So I can run. (Smile!)

Here’s the thing…I do not do well with taking it easy. 

Take for example:

  • When I get sick, I hate having to stay in bed after about a day…
  • When I am snowed in, I start going crazy after about a day…
  • When I was on crutches in 2000 following a car accident, I was over it within a week…
  • And when I hurt my knee in November 2008, and couldn’t run for three months, I just about lost my mind…

Today I went to the gym for another super easy walk/run on the treadmill.  It was everything in me not to rev that machine up and run.  But when I was injured in 2008, I went against doctors advice, didn’t listen to my body and ran when I shouldn’t.  I pushed my limits and it kept me from running for another three months.  Not worth it.  Lesson learned.  So even if inside I was bursting at the seams to move my legs faster, I kept it slow and easy for my hips sake.  Cause I would really like for my flexor and I to be friends again soon.  As in by this weekend.

And now I am going to be ridiculous.  This is the part where you comment me to tell me just how ridiculous my statement is, but at the same time try to make me feel better about being so ridiculous in the first place…

I hate going slow because I know I am capable of more and I feel like people are watching, and they don’t know I am injured.  I would like to wear a sign that says “I don’t actually suck this much, I just have a bum hip flexor” or “Caution:  Running super slow due to unhappy hip flexor” just so people know the real reason why I am that girl…you know, the one on the treadmill reading a magazine (GAAASP!!!!).

Told you, ridiculous.  But in seriousness, it is hard not to feel that way 😦

How do you deal with taking it slow?   What are some tricks you use that force you to slow down?  Do you ever have ridiculous thoughts like mine above when dealing with injury?

I am super glad that this girl will be with me at the race on Sunday so that if I get the urge to push to hard she can be like “Whoa sista” and hold me back, but that if I feel good enough to push she will be like “Hell yea!”  Either way, I am just excited to have someone to hang out with throughout the race.  We have a few surprises up our sleeve but you’ll have to wait for the reports/photos 🙂

Week In Review; 2/8-2/14

Week In Review; 2/8-2/14


*Note: Earlier this week I thought I had done something to my groin, but as it turns out, it is my hip flexor.  Bummer news, but it could be a lot worse!  Luckily, it is only a very slight strain and my doctor thinks I will be fine to run Sunday.  He suggested some days off (I didn’t run Tues-Sat) and stretching and icing.  I ran jogged slowly today and felt good so I am hopeful that I will be okay for next weekend.  And if I am feeling iffy about it, then it has already been decided we are just going to walk/jog the entire 13.1 and have a blast anyway!!!

Running-  5.2 miles total for the week.  2.2 miles @ 10:50 pace on Monday.  3 miles @ 11:33 pace on Sunday.

Biking-  45 minutes (9.2 miles) on Friday and 20 minutes (4.2 miles) on Sunday.

Strength training- I shoveled snow three times on Wednesday and two times on Thursday.  Trust me, that was a killer work-out!  In addition, I lifted for 30 mins total- biceps and chest.

Cross Training- Elliptical-15 minutes Monday.

Abs Challenge- 400. 

Weekly High: Still going to the gym even though I couldn’t run.  It was tough but I don’t want to lose my fitness, so I did it.

Weekly Low: This was a low week in general 😦


  • There will be no Week In Review next week- instead you have a three-part series to look forward to about my trip 🙂 
  • Reminder: my giveaway ends this Wednesday 2/17.

Life: I mentioned a few times over the last year that my Pop-Pop is sick, and he isn’t doing well.  If you have any thoughts/prayers etc, that you can send to my family, please do. 

Three things I am grateful for this week:

  1. Thursday’s weather report- Sunny, sunny, sunny!!!!!!!  No chance of snow and no chance of a flight delay!
  2. Sun- Speaking of the sun…it actually made a small appearance today!  Oh, how I have missed it!
  3. Extra change- I always throw my change into a jar (except for my miles- that goes in my special container for PiF 500+ Back on my Feet) and I saved enough since fall that it covered my flight to Florida and some spending money!  Proof that small change really adds up!

Quote of the week: “You must listen to your body. Run through annoyance but not through pain.” – George Sheehan

Simple Give-A-Ways For A Happy Anniversary To My Blog

Welcome new readers!!! 

Today is my blogversary! 

I cannot believe I have been blogging for one whole year!  Seriously…keeping up with a blog sounded good in theory but I really didn’t know how well it would work out.  I tend to have grand plans and then forget about them at some point.  I cannot tell you how many half-full journals I have lying around.  But this was different.  I kept writing.  Then I found other blogs and they found me and I made friends and it was a while different experience then what I set out for.  When I started this blog, I thought to myself “This would be a really cool way of tracking my progress”, never did I think “I’ll start a blog that people will read, and then I will make plans to meet those people” but that is exactly how it happened and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

In honor of one whole year of blogging, I have not one…but two(!!!) give-a-ways.  That’s right…two! 🙂

OneLittleTriGirl’s Blogversary Give-A-Ways! 🙂

Give-A-Way #1-


  • Book- The Runner’s Literary Companion.  Includes short stories and poems from runners; some are funny and some are sad, but they are all good stories.
  • Balega socks- My most favorite socks ever.  The small ones pictured here are mine, but if you win, I’ll send you a pair in your size!
  • Body Glide- I love this stuff !!!

How to enter for Give-A-Way #1

  • Go to my #200 posts, choose one of the Top 6-8-10 lists and fill your own answers out in a comment below.
  • Link this back on your blog for a second entry.

Give-A-Way #2-


  • It’s a surprise bag of goodies 🙂
  • I’ll post a photo after the winner is announced.

How to enter for Give-A-Way #2

  • Email me (see my contact on sidebar) with “Goody Bag” in the subject line. 
  • Additionally, because some emails (like mine) don’t give it away,  include the name of your blog in the body of the email so I know who you are!


Additional Information: 

  • The winners will be announced Wednesday, February 17. 
  • Yes, give-a-way #2 really is that simple!!!