300th Post…WooHoo!

I like to think of every 100th posts as a landmark event 🙂  Go here for my 100th post and here for my 200th. 

I really gave thought to what I would do for my 300th post…then it clicked…I would ask the two women who know me best to tell you random things about me.  So I sent one email off to my mommy and another off to my bestie.  Here it is from the one’s who know me best:

From Mommy…

Ten things you should know about Jill: 

1.  She despises injustice and prejudice and she will always root for the underdog.

2.  If you ask for her opinion be prepared for a honest response

3.  You have to know what you’re talking about to discuss March Madness with her

4.  If you are her friend there is nothing she won’t do for you… or at least attempt to the best of her ability.

5.  She has a protective shell that makes her appear tough so people don’t always realize how sensitive she truly is

6.  Her maternal grandmother has always been her hero

7.  She loves the Tarheels and the Phillies and will show you no mercy if you are a bandwagon rider.  Don’t reveal you are a Duke and/or Yankee fan until after you have established a friendship.

8.  She loves softball… playing, coaching and watching

9.  Her mom is her heart and her dad is her best friend.  don’t mess with either of them.

10.  One of her best friends died 10 years ago and it completely shaped and changed the course of her life.

 Ten Jill facts:

1.  She had her appendix out when she was six and weighed only 28 pounds when she left the hospital (so we took her to Ground Round on kids-pay-what-they-weigh night!)

2.  She gave her parents a trip to Key West as a Christmas gift one year.

3.  She has been going to Wildwood Crest since she was 10 years old.

4.  She started swimming lessons when she was 10 months old and gymnastics at the age of three.  She will never forgive her mother for not putting her in dance as a child

5.  Her first ever flight was to Italy… her second was to England.  she has never flown anywhere with her mom.

6.  She started seriously roller skating at age six and it became her childhood passion 

7.  She finished first grade and proceeded to fire her babysitter.  Unfortunately she failed to mention this until the night before second grade started leaving us to scramble to find a new one by the next day.

8.  Losing her first tooth was the highlight of her first trip to Disney at age seven

9.  She ran away from home when she was six with just a brown bag that held her cabbage patch doll, a box of Kraft macaroni & cheese and a pot to cook it in.

10.  When she laughs uncontrollably, it is THE best sound.  And the smile that goes with it is simply gorgeous.

Some of my favorite Mommy/Jill pics:

Circa 1982

My Mom is around my age in this photo that I am now.

Downtheshore- I think 2005 or 2006

Always my biggest fan!

From Jessica…

10 Things you should know about Jill:

1) She is not a romantic.  No wining and dining her…although she does like wine and to dine.

2) She truly cares about the people in her life and only wants the best for them whether she agrees with their choices or not.

3) She’s always been a “go big or go home” kind of girl.  There is nothing she won’t go after when she wants something!

4) She will someday make an amazing wife and mother.

5) She is one of the most creative people I know…her Christmas gifts are always thoughtful and just the best.

6) She won’t admit it but she likes Taylor Swift.

7) She is full of charisma.

8 ) She doesn’t tolerate screaming crying kids on airplanes or in restaurants well.

9) She is the unlaziest person I have ever met.

10) She is very loyal and will stand up for you when you can’t or won’t for yourself. 

10 Jill facts:

1) She doesn’t need a few drinks in her to have a good time.

2) Whether you want to hear it or not…she is going to tell you what she thinks.  This happens to be one of my favorite things about her.

3) She’s team Jolie.

4) She is hysterically funny.  Like belly-achingly funny.

5) Her dream car is an Audi- A4 convertible to be exact.

6) Her first car, a cavalier, she tagged as the “shitbox” and it was the best car in the world.  We had many good rides in that car!

7) She is a die-hard UNC basketball fan and she knows her shit…not only about her team but everyone else’s too.  Don’t try her!

8 ) She was once roofied at a bar.  It was white trash Wednesday at the trashy Pennant…big shocker.

9) She is completely dedicated to her friends, family, and her sports.

10) She is a great best friend and there is NO ONE like her.

Some of my favorite bestie pics:

Jan 2004- her 21st birthday

July 2006- My 25th birthday in A.C.

Downtheshore- 2007

One of my favorites EVER of us- Winter 2008

Winter 2009

Hope you have enjoyed!!!!!

*Note: I was going to do a q&a as well, but that would have made this a super long post, so I will be doing that as a seperate post within the next week.

Monday Brain Exchange Week 14- Give-A-Ways

Here are the answers from participants in last weeks Brain Exchange:

Here’s how it works: 

  • Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. 
  • If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  Link your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.
  • Topic: Give-A-Ways- Love Em or Hate Em

    Question:  What are your thoughts on give-a-ways?  Do you enter them often?  What entices you to enter or turns you off from entering?  Have you run your own give-a-ways?

    I have a very love/hate relationship with give-a-ways.  I have run my own and I have fun with it, but I only run them now and then and only when I feel like I have something really good to give away. 


    • Easy to enter; the easier it is to enter, the better chance that I will.  The best ones are the ones where all you have to do is leave an email  and say you want to win!  I love those! 
    • Something I really want to win.  I won’t enter if it is something I do not want or cannot use.  I wouldn’t want to take the chance away from someone else.


    • Difficult to enter.  If I have to visit the website, come back and tell you about it then go to another page that leads me to a page that takes me to a different page and so and and so forth, I probably won’t bother.  The truth is, I don’t have that kind of time.  And if it is a site I want to visit, I don’t need to be bribed with a give-a-way to do so.

    Really, I guess it is pretty simple for me…if I see the rules, and they start with numbers, and I know it is going to take me a lot of time, than I probably won’t enter unless it is something that I just cannot pass up.  I would say on average I enter one or two every other week or two.  I really do appreciate the effort and thought that go into running them and I enjoy when someone wins mine and emails me with excitement, so even thought I don’t enter them all (or even many) I will continue to run them and enter them when they are easy and something I really want.


    Next Weeks Topic:  Favorite Athletes

    Next Weeks Question: Who are your Top 5 favorite athletes? And why?  They can be famous or infamous, to do with your sport or be in a completely different sport.

    Week In Review-less…

    Yeah…so about a week in review.  One would have to actually DO something in order to have something to write about.  Okay, maybe I am being tough on myself, but honestly this week was a wash.  My exhaustion level was high and my motivation level was low.  I won’t embarass myself my telling you my exact workouts but it was a total of one swim, one bike and one walk.  No runs- had to give my shins/calves a break.  I have a heavy race schedule in July and August and this is really the last week I could pull off not running.  So it was a sucky week.  So it happens, right??  Onto the next week 🙂

    In the non-workout department, my weekend was FABULOUS!!!!!!  Seriously, it was non-stop fun (and mostly catching up on sleep in the afternoons!) and it was a blast!  Friday night was my friends reception, Saturday was spent on the lake BBQ’ing and watching fireworks and today I spectated the Philly Tri and then took a walk with my friend that ended with drinks on a deck 🙂 

    That’s about all I have right now.  I am sooooo tired!  I’ll leave you with some pics from the wedding- enjoy 🙂

    That’s me 🙂

    Introducing…Happy Bride and Groom!

    With the bride, my good friend Lisa

    I love these girls!


    Hope you all had a great weekend!  Can you believe it is almost the 4th of July?!?!?!?!

    Where Has Onelittletrigirl Been???

    I cannot even remember the last time I went three days without blogging!  I also cannot remember the last time I was this busy!  Here is a quick update of what I have been up to while I have been ignoring the blog world:

    • Not getting ready for summer vacation- common misconception that I have summers off.  I don’t.  However, no parents, no kids and no teachers is kind of a vacation!
    • Eating like crap- if it is bad for me, I have been eating it.  Last week of school will do that to a girl!
    • Thinking about a big change.  Yeah, I am going to be secretive.
    • Working out both mornings and afternoons- lots of two-a-days given the busy weeks I have had going on!
    • Hardly keeping up with my reader.  I know I am missing out on some great posts, but I just cannot keep up.
    • Really missing my friend Jimmy lately- he was one of my closest friends who died when we were 19.  His birthday is Saturday.  I always miss him, but for some reason the last few weeks have really been hurting.
    • Determining which blogs I need to let go of…some never acklowledge me and some seem to have gotten “too big” for little bloggers like me.  Such is life.
    • Trying to figure out what to do about my shins/calves.  I am graston’ing the crap out of them but still not really running much.  UGH!
    • Sweating- it is SO HOT here in NJ.  Three days in a row over 100 degrees and that is before the humidity.
    • Still waiting to hit the lottery.
    • Missing my friends- I feel like I haven’t seen anyone outside of work in forever!
    • Seriously starting to plan out the Cruise to Run.  Seriously.
    • Working on lots of good posts- another swim post, a major props post and an open letter to Runner’s World.

    Up this weekend…my friend Lisa’s wedding, an early July 4th BBQ and spectating Philly Tri.  If you are going to be at Philly Tri let me know!  I’ll look for you! 

    Additionally, it is my mom’s birthday tomorrow…so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!!!!

    Monday Brain Exchange Week 13- The Athletic Family

    Here are the answers from participants in last weeks Brain Exchange: Darlene, Kim, Whitney, Jill and Suzy

    Here’s how it works: 

  • Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. 
  • If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  Link your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.
  • Topic:  The Athletic Family

    This Week Question:  Do you come from an athletic family?  Are your parents/siblings/spouses/children also involved in your sport(s)?

    I have many very athletic family members.  My dad and all of my mom’s brothers grew up playing sports and two of my uncles were and still are devout runners.  I often run in the same races as my Uncle Mark and my Uncle Dennis is a high school track coach.  Many of my cousins are/were athletes in high school; their sports run the gammat from baseball to soccer to field hockey to lacrosse to cheerleading.  My parents played on a work softball team when I was little and my dad walked 11 miles a day on his mail route for many years. These days my mom and I go for walks (I am runner girl, she is walker girl 🙂 ) and bike rides.

    I am currently single but I would love to find someone who is into sports.  Of course it would be great if they were into running and/or triathlon but I would be happy with someone who loves sports/outdoors in general.  I love the idea of going running or biking or hiking with someone.  I love the idea of waking up and getting outdoors with someone, just enjoying the sun and getting in exercise.  And when the time comes to have children, I will do my best to get them athletically involved.  I would love for my kids to be into softball and soccer but I also want them to figure out what is right for them personally.  I will support whatever they choose as long as it is a healthy path.  I think that is all I want…a happy and healthy family.


    Next Weeks Topic: Give-A-Ways- Love Em or Hate Em

    Next Weeks Question:  What are your thoughts on give-a-ways?  Do you enter them often?  What entices you to enter or turns you off from entering?  Have you run your own give-a-ways?

    Week In Review; 6/14-6/20

    Week In Review; 6/14-6/20

    Monday: 1400 meter swim. Progression swim: 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters w/30 seconds rest in between.

    Tuesday: 6 miles on the bike followed by abs workout and my PT active dynamics.

    Wednesday: 1400 meter swim.  100 meter warm-up, 4×200’s, 100 meter kick-set, 300 meters free swim, 100 meters cool-down. 

    Thursday: Chaperoned the 8th grade trip to Dorney Park.  Laid by a pool pretty much all day then walked a good couple of miles through the hill park.  I really enjoy this trip but I was completely exhausted!

    Friday: Is it possible to be hungover from a trip?  Cause I was!  I barely got through work…no energy= no workout!

    Saturday: Went for a fairly lesuire 7 mile bike ride with my mom.  I volunteered a TRI that morning so we went in the afternoon and it was brutal hot!!  Kept it mostly near the river and took it pretty slow.  Although I am not back to true training rides, I am feeling really good on the bike. 

    Sunday: Early morning run around one of my favorite river loops.  4 miles total and it was humid!  My shins/calves held up just okay; I had to take a few walk breaks but pushed through most of it because I am going for a leg massage this afternoon and I know I’ll get some kinks worked out 🙂  I love massages!!!!

    Weekly High: Today’s run- my last run was such a downer and I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to get through 4 miles because of my calves.  The Graston is working because the difference was amazing!

    Weekly Low: I honestly didn’t really have one.  I felt good about all my workouts this week!

    Three things I am grateful for this week:

    1. My Daddy
    2. Air conditioning.  I love summer but the heat can be intense.  Thank goodness for air conditioning!
    3. Half-days…we finish the school year this week and have half-days Mon-Wed.  YIPPPPEEE!!

    Quote of the week:   “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did”

    Absolute Randomness

    I chaperoned the 8th grade trip to Dorney Park yesterday and I am beat!  I am on very little sleep, therefore this post is all about being random.  Cause I am not 100% sure I could complete more than a few thoughts at a time.

    -I haven’t run this week at all.  My calves are all knotted up and not being run-friendly.  Hoping to get a few miles in tonight and more on Sunday. 

    -We did not get home from Dorney Park until 10:30…I finally got in around 11:15.  Yeah, no gym for me this morning!

    -I do not think there is enough coffee in the world to help me today!

    -I am SO VERY behind on my google reader; it is the end of the school year and June is insane.  No apologies…I do the best I can.

    -I still need questions to complete my 300th post Q&A…go here please.

    -Today, and the rest of the days left of school (we are done next Wednesday) are all half-days.  This makes me happier than you can imagine.

    -Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there ❤

    -After looking over my calendar, it came to my attention that I do not have a free weekend all summer.  Races, weddings, birthdays, graduation parties…this summer is going to fly!

    -I need a vacation.  Stat.

    -I worry about bloggers when I don’t hear from them for a while. 

    -Today is un-birthday day at my work…so far I have had two cupcakes, a brownie and a piece of cookie cake.  I better be running later!

    -Some middle school teachers are worse than the middle schoolers themseleves!  UGH!

    -My right eye has been watering since I woke up.  Enough already!

    -This morning, a squirrel bit a kid.  Never a dull day.

    -I want to do THIS…maybe 2012???

    -I am meeting my friend for drinks today, on a deck on the lake.  I love the sun!

    -I think this is my most random post to date.

    Anything random happening to you today??

    Triathlon Alternatives

    Here’s the thing…in order to call oneself a triathlete, you of course have to swim/bike/run.  But there are alternative options if the triathlon is not for you.  Often I see/hear statements on blogs or in random conversations along the lines of “I can’t swim” or “I would do a tri but I have to learn to swim” or ” I am not good at riding a bike” and  then the talk stops for a few days/weeks. 

    Are you looking to try something new?  How about one of these events:

    Duathlon:  This race consists of a run-bike-run format.  This is a good race for those who do not like, or know how, to swim.  Dualthons are most typically held simultaneously with triathlons and the distance generall coincides with that of the triathlon race.  Additionally, in the event of a thunderstorm or other conditions that would prevent one from swimming, the triathlon race is turned into a duathlon for all racers.  This was the case last year at the Philadelphia Women’s Event.  I personally found it more physically taxing and demanding than a triathlon.  Props to the DU’ers!  If interested, you can read about it here.

    Aqua-Bike:  This is also sometimes referred to as Aqua-Velo and it combines the swim and the bike of a race.  This is a good race for someone who has to take time off of running, or for the athlete who might be marathon training but wants to enjoy racing at the same time.  These events, like the duathlon, generally run simultaneously with the triathlon.

    Aqualthon:  This event is more commonly known as a Splash and Dash.  In this event, the racers partake in a swim and run, eliminating the bike course.  Unlike the other events, a Splash and Dash is usually held on its own and not as part of a triathlon.  This kind of race is perfect for someone who is uncomfortable on the bike.   

    Relay:  Did you know that most triathlon races offer a relay option?  If you are a super-fast swimmer, biker or runner, you might think about grabbing two other super fast partners and forming a relay team.  And if you are slow (like me) that’s great too- relays are for everyone! Two or three people can make up a relay team and they are held in all distances.  Relay teams are a great way to race without taxing your body too much. 

    If you have competed in any of the above events, please share your experience.  If you haven’t…well, what are you waiting for???

    Monday Brain Exchange Week 12- Motivational Quotes and Personal Mantras

    Here are the answers from participants in last weeks Brain Exchange: I totally misplaced my list of links…I didn’t want to leave anyone out, so I am going to skip links this week.  So sorry!

    Here’s how it works: 

  • Every Monday, at the end of the current weeks M.B.E answer, I will post a question for the following week.  This way you can cue your post for Monday if you wish.  If Monday doesn’t work for you, you can still play along any day of the week that works best. 
  • If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blogLink your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.
  • Topic: Motivational Quotes and Personal Mantras

    Question: What are some of your favorite motivational quotes/sayings?  Do you have any personal mantras you use while dealing with tough times on the race course?

    I am always talking to myself throughout a race.  It starts before I even hit the water in a tri.  Typically my swim mantra is “just keep swimming” from Nemo and I remind myself that I am strong and I can do it.  The bike, being my toughest event, is where I really need to stay positive.  I talk to myself the whole time, remember to breathe and just repeat “you can do this” over and over.  The run is full of “you got this” and “don’t stop” and “almost finished” which is also usually what I tell myself during road races.  For me, I just need to constantly keep the negatives out and keep the positives in!

    I have 328392 million (and that is a lot) of favorite quotes.  All of the ones I use for my week in reviews are from a list of favorites but when it boils down, there is one that tops them all for me:  “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start” which of course was the inspiration for my blog title!


    Next Weeks Topic:  The athletic family

    Next Week Question:  Do you come from an athletic family?  Are your parents/siblings/spouses/children also involved in your sport(s)?

    Week In Review- 6/7-6/13

    Week in Review; 6/7-6/13

    Monday: 1100 meter swim in the morning.  3×300’s with 200 meter cool-down.  This was the short swim I posted about last week.

    Tuesday: Two-a-day!!  Morning workout was an easy 2.2 miles and then after work I went on a 6.5 mile bike ride.  I really wanted to get to Pilates but I just wasnt going to happen; my legs were still tight and sore from last Sunday’s race and I just did not think it was a good day to start back. 

    Wednesday: Rest Day.

    Thursday: 1200 meter swim in the morning.  800 meters timed, 300 meters of mixed drills and 100 meter cool down.  In addition, I had my last PT session at night.

    Friday: 2 mile afternoon run.  Oh, and two hours of dancing as I chaperoned the 8th grade dance.

    Saturday: Technically a rest day but I did some hardcore dancing at my cousins wedding.  Burn calories, burn!

    Sunday: Nothing.  And I mean nothing!  Not only did I completely ignore my 4 mile scheduled run, but I hardly bothered to get out of bed.  Too much partying this weekend!

    Weekly High: The wedding for sure!

    Weekly Low:  Not getting my run in today.  Clearly, I needed the rest, but I cannot help but to feel lazy.

    Three things I am grateful for this week:

    1. My awesome family!
    2. Having nothing to do today- I cannot even remember the last timeI had nothing to do!
    3. My awesome PT Michele for taking good care of me.

    Quote of the week:  There are only two options regarding commitment; you’re either in or you’re out. There’s no such thing as life in-between.  Pat Riley

    As promised…photos from the wedding weekend:

    See…I clean up nice!

    It’s Official!!

    With the groom

    With the bride

    With Mom ❤

    Cocktailing 🙂

    Mom and Dad ❤

    Oh, yum!