Home » Truth » 30 Days Of Truth- Day 3

30 Days Of Truth- Day 3

Day 3- Something you have to forgive yourself for.

The concept of living a life with no regrets is great in theory, but it’s also unrealistic.  I do have regrets.  And instead of pretending they don’t exist, I have learned to use them as tools to live better.

It has taken some time, but I realize now that I have to forgive myself most for not providing myself with a traditional college experience.  I went to community college and did well.  But it just wasn’t for me.  Then I went to hair school.  I excelled and truly did love it- but hated being in the salon environment.  After a few years, I went back to school.  Dean’s list every semester, awards for excellence and accepted in the Dual Program to work on my Masters while still taking classes for my Bachelors.  Then it came crashing down. I’m three credits shy of my degree, that I don’t even know if I will ever use, and in debt to a University that has made every step of my path a difficult one.  It is hard not to think about how it all would have turned out if I had just done it the “normal” way.  But I didn’t- I am here.  And I have to be present here. 

I have to get past the mistakes I made when I was young that still reverberate through my life’s path. I need to remember that I would not have learned the lessons I did or had every experience that has put me where I am now, if it wasn’t for decisions that were once mistakes.

My mistakes are a part of who I am.  I am beginning to realize that regrets aren’t necessarily a bad thing.  My mistakes have taught me priceless lessons I wouldn’t have otherwise learned and have given me an idea of who I do and/or do not want to be.

Mistakes are a part of life.  Regrets happen.  Forgiveness is growth.

Day 1–> Something you hate about yourself

Day 2–> Something you love about yourself

16 thoughts on “30 Days Of Truth- Day 3

  1. I love this! Mistakes and missteps can really help you grow and learn about yourself. Sometimes you have to explore a lot of options before you know what you want out of life. And I always think that it’s better to risk regret from trying something than to regret not trying in the first place.

  2. so very true….cant learn and live with out it all! I regret a lot of bad financial decisions I made in the past, but I’ve tried to learn from them and grow and that’s all I can ask for right!

  3. Mistakes shape who we are, I believe. If we can’t make mistakes, then how do we learn?!?!? And those who say they do not have regret in their lives I think aren’t telling the truth; I bet there isn’t one person out there who hasn’t said or done something to hurt someone and if they don’t regret that then that’s just sad! Kudos to you, sweetie, for your heartfelt post!!

  4. very true!! i spent 11.5 years with someone and then left them. some think that is so sad and that i wasted all that time, made mistakes, etc. not me, i learned so much about myself and life and i wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

  5. I totally understand your frustrations. I think there are a lot of us out there that made some big decisions at that part of our life and now are stuck wondering if they were the right choices or not. This is a great post, and I love your truth questions. I wish I had more advice!

  6. If we didn’t make mistakes, or have regrets, we would never learn. I truly believe that. It just wouldn’t resonate or stick somehow. As I raise my young boys, I’m trying very hard to let them know that it’s okay to make a mistake, as long as we learn. And there is always something to learn.

  7. Great post! It’s good to learn from mistakes, it’s good to have regrets. But it’s also good to let it be a part of your past and don’t let it mess with your future. And I think you are doing that very well.

  8. It’s hard to get over decisions you wished you made differently. But it seems like you have the right attitude.

    Plus, who knows where or who we would be now if we hadn’t made those mistakes?

  9. It’s hard to see when you’re 30, but many years from now you’ll realize those “mistakes” were part of the journey to make you who you are. And you’ll learn to find some good in them and appreciate what you learned from them, unlike those who took the path of least restistance and now live with many, many regrets.

  10. Pingback: 30 Days Of Truth- Day 4 « Finishing is Winning

  11. Pingback: 30 Days Of Truth- Day 5 « Finishing is Winning

  12. Pingback: 30 Days Of Truth- Day 7 « Finishing is Winning

  13. Pingback: 30 Days Of Truth- Day 10 | Finishing is Winning

  14. Pingback: 30 Days of Truth- Day 11 & Day 12 | Finishing is Winning

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