Home » Brain Exchange » Monday Brain Exchange Week 5- Your Blog

Monday Brain Exchange Week 5- Your Blog

Welcome new players 🙂

Here are the answers from participants in last weeks Brain Exchange:  Kim, Mel, Kitzzy, Darlene, Kandi, Denise, Stephanie, Silvergrl, WhitneyAndrea and Kera   (If I missed you, let me know- sometimes links are funny and don’t work and I don’t want to leave anyone out!)

Here’s how it works:

  • Every Monday, I will post a question.  The questions will be set up to post for @ 6am E.S.T. to give everyone ample amount of time to post their own answers throughout the day.
  • Questions will range all over the board as far as topics are concerned; from the sports themselves to nutrition to blogging and so on.  (If you have any topics/questions you think would be good, please feel free to email me!) 
  • If you want to play along, all you have to do is post the question and your answer on your own blog.  You can play along any day of the week that works best for you.
  • Link your post to my blog so that I know you have participated, and in the following weeks post, I will link all the participant blogs from the prior week.

    Topic:  Your blog

    Question:  Do your family and friends know about your blog?  If so, what do they think of it?  If not, why haven’t you told them?

    When I first started my blog, I only told my mom and a few close friends.  Then, after a while I put the link on my facebook.  Outside of the people I have told and those who use my link, I really don’t know who is reading.  Sometimes I talk about my blog but I don’t really promote my blog outside of that single link.  I know a lot of people lurk my blog, and of course I wish I knew who they were, but if they want to secretly read than I guess I am flattered.

    There is something about having my whole life out there that makes me feel a little vulnerable, but my blog truly is who I am so I never had anything to hide.  Of course there are times when I wish I could be totally honest but I am aware of those who read my blog, so at times I do censor myself.  But who I am here, is who I am.  And anyone who knows me in “real life” can back that up. 

    Overall, I am happy with my decision to make my blog public because it gives people who know me a chance to perhaps see a different side of me.  Those who I know read my blog have given me good feedback.   A lot of people don’t understand this lifestyle and I think this might give them a glimpse into the life I live. 


    17 thoughts on “Monday Brain Exchange Week 5- Your Blog

    1. i can relate…i was very weird in the beginning about who i shared my blog with. then i got ballsy and posted it on facebook…but then i took it down! i go back and forth…

    2. My family knows about my blog, but they don’t show much interest 🙂 My blog is my opportunity to spread my wings and fly. It’s that freedom that keeps me coming back, rather than just going away…

    3. I don’t regret starting my blog or what I write in it. I feel like I’m honest and open, and quite frankly, not many people read it so I’m not exactly putting myself out there. My dad doesn’t read it much, but he thinks I put too much personal stuff in. I love how he warns me about that all of the time, then I ask if he’s read it lately and he never has. Mom used to read it some but doesn’t anymore. As for my friends and rest of my family, I have no idea, nor do I care. I write the blog for myself and hopefully my niece and nephews will enjoy reading my stories when they are older. I sure do love all of the blogging friends I’ve made through this!

    4. My daughter, the one who set the whole thing up for me, now thinks it’s so “weird” I have people I follow (and have met). haha. I started my blog Jan 1 ’08 as a way for my then-trainer and I to assess my running through daily thoughts. Somewhere along the way, people found me and it turned into a world of kindred running souls whom touch my heart :).

    5. My hub knows about my blog and reads it too. Some of my best friends know but they don’t comment.
      The rest of my family doesn’t know. I’ve cancelled my page on a Dutch version of Facebook because some family members were kind of stalking me there. I don’t tell them everything about me when I see them in real life so I don’t want them to know about my blog either.

    6. THis is a great question and topic:) My husband and kids know about my blog…they are not interested at all. They support me with my running but have no interest in my posts:) My daughter thinks I am a dork:) I really don’t care. My close friends do not know either…it is just sort of my own personal thing. I sort of like it that way.

    7. Hey sweet girl, you didn’t make me feel bad! Thanks for all of your support, I know you get what it feels like!
      My husband is so supportive of my blog, as are my friends and kids…I don’t tell many other people about it though. It’s kind of a personal, even though it’s so public!!!

    8. Pretty much everyone knows about my blog, but I keep it kind of quiet with my husband’s family b/c they would probably be offended by some of the content. I have another “family blog” that is very tame and keeps extended family in touch with what we’re doing. Most people who read my running blog I don’t know personally.

    9. great topic. A handful of my family knows about my blog, but I don’t know if anyone really reads it. I know that my dad goes through it every once and a while… sometimes I wonder what he thinks. Sometimes he will ask about my training and I know he got some information from my blog, so I know that it’s his way of being supportive!

      As or friends, only a few friends know I have it. Once I posted a link to my blog on FB and then took it down. Many of my FB friends are co-workeres and even though I really don’t talk about work, it just felt weird.

      Now I am dating this guy, and I how do I tell him that I have this blog?! Why should it feel weird? I do blog daily, whether I am posting my own posts, or reading and posting comments… but i figure it’s a great hobby, and networking with people who have similar interests. I know for sure that if I wouldn’t have stuck with blogging, I would have never kept pushing myself with training. I have learned so much from everyone out there!

    10. some of my family read my blog… and a couple friends. for some reason i am more shy about people i ‘really’ know reading than the people out in the internet reading. is that lame or what 🙂

    11. I always wonder who comes over to my blog from FB too. I got permission from a lot of people to post their pics when I first started blogging (almost 5 years ago) so I know they know about it, but I don’t think people look. It would be cool if we could figure out who all the lurkers are!!!

    12. Pingback: I’m back, I’m cold, I’m tired & Monday Brain Exchange #5 « My First 5K Blog

    13. Pingback: Randomness | Jill Will Run

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