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She Runs! (And Works Out!)

I’m back kids.

This past week I got myself back into action.  And it felt great!

Over the course of the week, I swam twice, ran twice and did my HCC workout twice.  The plan that isn’t a plan (that Joe pointed out, actually still counts as a plan haha) is working so far.  Every workout was a success and I really believe that it is solely because the pressure is gone.  At some point by the end of summer, I got tired of working out.  It got to feel like a job and when I wasn’t training up to my ridiculously high standards I was frustrated.  Between the nagging calf pain after every race or training run and the fear of getting re-injured, I stopped being excited to get up and workout or throw on my kicks after a tough day.  And that led to working out less and less and putting few miles on my shoes- which meant goals weren’t being met and I was frustrated.  And that all led to a small burnout.  I think if I had kept myself at the pace I was going with all my racing and training, I would have been injured, instead of just slightly burned out.  So, as I have said many times, I think my decision not to race last weekend was a good one.

Both of my swims were great; it felt so good to be back in the water.  On both occasions, I just swam freestyle.  Now that tri season is over, I am going to spend the off-season working on my swim endurance.  I am looking to participate in a long distance swim race next spring/summer so I need to spend some serious time in the water just swimming for distance.  And about running…well, I did it!  I ran for the first time in 2.5 weeks and it WENT AWESOME!  I ran twice- once  in the beginning of the week for 25 minutes and later in the week for 30 minutes.  I think going out for time, and not miles, was a good idea.  Of course, I am aware I need to get a certain amount of mileage in over the next 9 weeks in prep for Philly Half, but I actually ran a better pace when I went out for time over miles.  I was a little crampy (not sore-yeah!) after my morning run Wednesday which ended up being just over 3 miles.  My legs bothered me at work and by the end of the night, I was so tight.  I broke out the stick and went to town on my calves.  By morning they were feeling much better.  I realize that I really need to keep up with my PT dynamics…as with everything else, I slacked over the last few weeks and it was big time noticeable.  If I want to have any chance of running well at and recovering well after Philly, I need to be vigilant about this!

As for biking…well, that didn’t happen this week.  Still haven’t gotten my bike from my parents house yet.  And I didn’t make it to spin class.  It would be easy to get mad about it but I am not going to do that; I am going to let it go and hope to get to spin class this week.  All things considered, I feel really good.  I have a good feeling about Philly and about the off-season.  I hope it stays that way! 🙂

Lastly, even though my workouts are seemingly getting back on track, I still feel like I am lacking inspiration and/or motivation with this blog.  I feel like posts are just lacking something…maybe because all summer I raced and had more material…I don’t know.  But I feel boring and uninspiring!  I need to find my blogging mojo!  I have been toying for a long time about getting my own domain and I think it might be time.  Perhaps if I re-vamp the site a bit…make necessary updates, add some pages, change my format…etc…I will get re-inspired.  Stay tuned 🙂

23 thoughts on “She Runs! (And Works Out!)

  1. Yay for (pain free) return to running and exercise! I took last week off mostly and feel really good about that decision. Can’t wait to jump back in!
    By the way- it’s fall! You should start MBE again!

  2. i love blog projects so anything in your life you are working on that you can also work into the blog is really fun! i’m doing one for class this coming week 🙂

  3. I thought you had like 900 posts in draft? 😉

    Yay for good running! I am happy for you. Reading this post made me think – yup, definitely a good thing she didn’t run PDR.

  4. Jill – so glad to hear that the “no-plan, plan” has you back in the swing of things – I thought it would play out exactly as it has. Good for you!

    I think that your blogging and posts have been spot on and wonderful – keep doing what you do – you are the greatest.

    I think you are setting yourself up for a great effort in Philly – hopefully we’ll have another WS to celebrate by then!

  5. I know what you mean about not having pressure to exercise… suddenly you can enjoy it all more.

    I’d say don’t put pressure on yourself about your blog. It’s a great read! Anytime I’m back in the blogland, I read you, and it’s never “less material” or less interesting, or, God forbid, boring. Keep at it!!!

  6. Hi Jill,
    I have to tell you that I think you had a great racing season! You were always PRing:) I know how you feel about sometimes lacking the desire to workout. I get that way too:( I have also been thinking about changing a few things in my blog …I just don’t have the time right now. Have a great week Lady!

  7. Ooooo, soooo happy for you, girl!!! That’s excellent news! Don’t worry about the cycling…just take it one day at a time and be grateful for the things you ARE getting in. Happy, happy day!!! 🙂

  8. Yah! She’s back and look how! How cool is it that you can workout with pleasure again.

    Jill you’re not boring, otherwise I wouldn’t have sticked with you over a year now. I think everybody has no motivation for blogging every once and a while, it’s normal like other things in life, sometimes you just don’t feel like doing something. It will get back to you.

  9. Nice work girlie. I know I have been there before and you’re doing everything right. When you’re trying to get back and find your mojo – sometimes it’s the little victories that will fuel the fire for the long term stuff. Good work!
    I need to learn to swim – I will be reading over your Swimming 101 series again. I’m loving spinning at the gym for 45 mins than jumping on to the treadmill! I may have a tri in me after all!
    Have a good week! 😉

  10. so great to hear that you had a good workout week! i find that sometimes when i don’t put so much pressure on myself, i have much better workouts too. i’m headed to the pool tomorrow for the first time in about a month. Reading about your swimming has gotten me excited to get back into the water.
    Your blog posts aren’t boring at all. i look forward to them all the time! just keep writing. the ideas will come back.

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